The 7 weight loss tips

The 7 weight loss tips

Geschreven door Nathan Albers

Geschatte leestijd: 3 minuten

Food Nutritional Tables

Slimming down is often not very complicated, as long as you have the right information on how to approach it. Often, it’s not a lack of motivation but a lack of information. To provide you with the right information and help you get on the right track, we’ve written an article for you with 7 slimming tips. With these slimming tips, you will become aware of the various factors that contribute to a healthy weight, and you can achieve your slimming goals by making a few simple tweaks. If you don’t have enough with the 7 slimming tips? Then ask for more slimming tips in the comments of this post.

Food Nutritional Tables

These are not mentioned in nearly every article. Want to lose weight? Then you want to make sure how many calories you consume per day. There is only 1 way you can lose weight, and that is by creating a negative energy balance. If you don’t know how much energy you eat daily, you also don’t know if you’re losing weight or gaining weight. It is also important to know which macronutrients you are consuming. After all, your diet can consist of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats, and all 3 provide energy but are broken down by the body in their own way. Therefore, read the nutritional tables and know what you eat.

Snacking and Slimming Down

Snacks are often the culprits when you want to lose weight. Therefore, it is extremely important to eliminate these. At least, that doesn’t mean you should immediately eliminate snacks entirely and suffer from hunger. But snacks can contribute to weight loss if you do this smartly. There are many possibilities for smart snacking without gaining weight. Some examples of smart snacks are:

  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Cucumber slices
  • Pieces of bell pepper
  • Carrots

Measure What You Eat

Just like slimming tip 2, it is important not only to know what you eat but also to measure it. Your body gets its energy from different nutrients, all of which in turn provide different amounts of calories. For example, 1 gram of carbohydrates yields 4 kcal per gram. Proteins also yield 4 kcal per gram, but are broken down differently by the body, resulting in the thermal effect of proteins being higher than that of carbohydrates. Fats yield 9 kcal per gram and alcohol as much as 7 kcal per gram. Do you know how many kcal you consume per day? And how many kcal you need per day? If not, also read our article: calculating calorie needs

Eat More Fiber

There is a lot of food that contains fiber. Fibers help give you a fuller feeling and are slowly broken down by your body. This provides energy over a longer period, allowing you to continue with less food for longer. Ideal when you want to lose weight.

Don’t Skip Meals

In our first slimming tip, we mentioned that you can only lose weight when you consume fewer calories than you need. But this does not mean you should skip meals. When you starve yourself, your body enters a reserve mode and will process the calories it subsequently receives extra efficiently and will store reserves in the form of fat. Additionally, when your body is in reserve mode, it produces more of the stress hormone cortisol, which extracts energy from muscles, causing them to break down. Therefore, do not skip meals.

Move More

Do you not want to make too many concessions to your diet and still lose weight? That’s possible! As we mentioned in our first slimming tip, you can lose weight by burning more calories than you need daily. If you want to burn more calories, move more. The great advantage is that you don’t have to make more drastic adjustments to your diet and you become healthier. Additionally, you often feel fitter when you move more.

Track Your Progress

When you make adjustments to your lifestyle, it is important to measure and monitor them. Without measuring, you don’t know how your progress is going. Therefore, keep track of the results you achieve in the FITsociety app.


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