Principles for Effective Fat Loss

Principles for Effective Fat Loss

Geschreven door Nathan Albers

Geschatte leestijd: 4 minutenAre you constantly gaining weight after a diet? Stop now! Don’t even think about another diet, because it will likely yield the same results you’ve had so far.

Stop wasting your time, money, and effort. First, look at the facts I’m giving you in this article and then decide what you want to do.

Let’s first look at a few weight loss principles:

1. Increase Your Metabolism

To ensure that your weight loss is permanent in the long run, it is very important to significantly increase your metabolism, and the most effective way to increase your metabolism is to have a greater amount of muscle mass on your body.

The only way to build this muscle mass to increase your metabolism is through strength training. There is no other method that has as much impact on your metabolism as strength training.

By using strength training, you increase the amount of lean muscle mass on your body, resulting in increased metabolism.

After a weight training session, your metabolism is extra high, causing your body to burn much more fat than it could before.

2. It’s All About Your Muscles

The amount of fat your body can burn is directly proportional to the amount of muscle mass your body has.

When your muscles have more energy, and you use this energy significantly during your strength training, those muscles are able to burn the calories you eat plus the extra fat on your body. In other words, as your muscles become stronger and can hold more energy, your body can release that energy more efficiently to increase your metabolism and burn the extra calories you’ve eaten.

As you build more muscle mass and thus become stronger, your body becomes much better at burning fat.

The amount of muscle mass on your body also ensures that you look good. When you burn the extra fat on your body, the muscles, which you can then see well, ensure that you look healthy, energetic, and slim.

3. Fast Walking Burns Fat

What you can do now to increase your body fat burning is to include fast walking in your program.

Fast walking is not only less stressful on your hips, it also burns more fat than jogging or running.

Here are some benefits of fast walking:

  • Easy to do
  • A natural movement for your body
  • Injury-free (except if you fall of course…)
  • Possible anywhere
  • The best exercise with the least effort you can do for fat loss

Fast walking is recommended in any weight loss program!

Weight Loss Program Strategies

If you want to make a weight loss program successful, you must include strength training in your program. It is very important to train with weights, not only to lose weight but also for your overall health.

For years, we have been told that we have to lose the fat from our bodies using a diet, and maybe add some fast walking to speed up the whole process. The problem is that the large calorie reduction in a diet makes your body think it is starving, causing your body to hold on to fat and use your hard-earned muscle mass as an energy source. This lowers your metabolism and you lose even more muscle mass.

If you stopped the diet, the lost fat would quickly come back, and due to the lowered metabolism, you were at great risk of gaining more fat than you had lost.

A vicious circle…

In addition, your body became accustomed to the diet and you quickly reached a point where nothing happened anymore.

What now?

How about weight loss supplements, creams, massage, drugs? Sorry, you should know that they don’t work…

There’s a better way…

Strength Training!

Many studies have shown that strength training is a superior method for losing weight (oh yes, ladies… you won’t really get big and muscular from weight training! You have too little testosterone for that, so don’t worry).

If you don’t do strength training in your weight loss program, the results won’t be as good as you would like.

Three to five short strength training sessions per week, at home or in the gym, burn more fat than you ever thought possible.

Fats and Cardio

So we have already found out that by increasing the amount of muscle mass in your body, your metabolism is increased, even when you’re resting. With that higher metabolism, you can now eat more calories, which means you don’t have to starve to lose weight.

You don’t need to cut as many calories to lose weight and you have fewer problems with successful weight loss (assuming you eat the right foods).

As for fat… that is burned when your body uses oxygen to release energy from your cells while you exercise. When you exercise gently to moderately for 20 to 30 minutes, the majority of the energy comes from your fat reserves.

It is important to remember that fat loss occurs all over your body, not just from a certain place on your body. Losing fat only from your stomach or buttocks is not really possible.

Make sure your cardio training is varied to prevent boredom. Use the treadmill, bike, stepper, or whatever other training method you have available. The best training to lose fat is fast walking on the treadmill or outside. Walk until you’re slightly puffing and maintain that for the time you take for it.

If you’re panting heavily or out of breath during your cardio training, you’re going too fast. Your energy is then taken from the carbohydrates in your body, not from your fat reserves.

Weight loss is not at all the big complicated mystery that some people, books, and magazines lead you to believe. It’s quite simple and can all be done by adhering to a few simple principles.

Weight Loss and Nutrition

The best way to lose body fat and maintain muscle is with a good nutrition program. The basis is quality food and more exercise to burn energy. You need food that fills you up but doesn’t fill you up; food that is low in fat and sugar and unprocessed is ideal.

Throughout the day, you should eat small meals with some protein at each meal to feed your muscles and keep your energy levels high. You should also eat foods with important vitamins and minerals daily.

If you want to know how many calories you need per day to lose weight and maintain your muscles, calculate your calorie needs.

By reducing the number of calories you eat daily to the weight loss level, you should start to lose weight. Don’t go lower and regularly check your body in the mirror to see if you’re making progress.

If you have no idea how many calories you eat per day, how do you know if you’re eating too much or not?

Some good eating


  • Reduce the fats you can see and those you can’t see
  • Write down what you eat so you can track any problems
  • Consider those times when you normally overeat (like holidays)
  • Avoid a large reduction in the number of calories you eat
  • Monitor your fat level, not your weight
  • Aim for steady fat loss (one pound per week)

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  • Afvallen
  • Basic rules for losing weight
  • Lose weight

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