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Lose weight together thanks to your partner who is on a diet

Geschreven door Nathan Albers

Geschatte leestijd: 5 minutenSupporting Weight Loss Because Your Partner Is on a Diet? That’s the Conclusion of a New Study by the University of Connecticut. Partners of People Actively Involved in Weight Loss Tend to Lose Weight Too, Even If They Themselves Are Not Consciously Trying to Lose Weight.

Losing Weight Together Thanks to Your Partner’s Diet

For the study, 130 couples (criteria: cohabiting) were followed for six months. The researchers found that if one member of the couple is actively trying to lose weight, there’s a good chance that the partner will also lose weight, even if they are not consciously trying to lose weight themselves. The results were published in the medical journal Obesity [1].

In the study, about one-third of the non-actively losing weight partners lost 3 percent or more of their weight in the 6 months of the study. According to the researchers, a loss of 3 percent is considered a measurable health benefit. Lead researcher and behavioral psychologist Professor Amy Gorin speaks of a ‘ripple effect’ that might not be limited to a partner.

When one person changes their behavior, the people around them change. Whether the patient works with their healthcare provider, joins a community-based, lifestyle approach like Weight Watchers, or tries to lose weight on their own, their new healthy behaviors can benefit others in their lives.

Correlation in the Speed of Weight Loss between Partners Losing Weight Together

The study also revealed a correlation between the speed at which both partners lost weight.

How we change our eating and exercise habits can affect others in both positive and negative ways. On the positive side, spouses might emulate their partner’s behaviors and join them in counting calories, weighing themselves more often, and eating lower-fat foods…

…Health care providers and organizations dedicated to healthier lifestyles may wish to consider the weight loss ripple effect in their future assessments and treatment plans.

Previous studies also concluded that losing weight together can be a result of one of the partners being on a diet, although most of these studies were conducted with information provided by the participants themselves. This research would be the first such study to follow a randomized and controlled design. Previous studies also often focused on clinic patients, whereas this recent study looked at more practical circumstances. People in the real world using popular weight loss programs, with weight measured over time.

This was measured after 3 and 6 months.

Losing Weight Together with Weight Watchers

The couples were divided into two groups.

In one group, one of the partners received a structured weight loss program (Weight Watchers). This included personal guidance and access to online weight loss tools.

In the second group, one of the partners only received information about healthy eating, physical activity, and weight management strategies. Besides this written information, there was no further contact with the participants in this group.

In both groups, the ‘non-actively losing weight’ partner also lost weight after 3 and 6 months. Interestingly, it was found that approximately the same amount of weight was lost in both groups. Therefore, the extra guidance from Weight Watchers did not offer any added value compared to the weight loss information and intention alone.

In a follow-up study, the researchers want to find out if this effect is limited to partners or also applies to other cohabiting family members.

Lifestyle as a Cause for Losing Weight Together

These results are not very surprising in themselves.

When you share a household together, there’s always a chance that you also share or adopt certain habits from each other. Yet, these kinds of studies are always interesting.

For example, to realize that you’re working toward a good cause when you’re on a diet. Your inspiring example can lead others in your immediate environment to adopt your good habits.

If you don’t have a partner and you’re single but still want to lose weight together with someone?

Then download the free FITsociety app for iPhone and Android and choose one of the many trainers and coaches who can help you lose weight together.

Losing Weight Together Without a Diet

When you want to start losing weight together, the primary objective is to create a negative energy balance. This can be done in multiple ways. You can increase your physical activity, resulting in a lower net intake of fuel than what you consume daily. Or you can make a few smart tweaks together in your diet to lose weight without a diet.


It’s one of the most common mistakes people make when starting to lose weight together. Breakfast is skipped because you need to eat less. Unfortunately, this approach backfires. By noon, hunger is insatiable, and the chances are high that you’ll eat much more than you actually need. Additionally, your metabolism is also slowed down because you forgot to activate it in the morning. But if you really struggle with breakfast, take something with you to school or work that you can consume there. Try to ensure that it’s a healthy snack and not an unhealthy start to the day. Finally, the reason you can’t eat in the morning may be due to the evening before. If you eat something late at night, chances are you won’t be hungry the next morning. Therefore, avoid heavy meals late in the day.

Drink Plenty of Water

The importance of water and hydration is advocated by many diets, but we’re talking here about losing weight together without a diet. Nevertheless, it’s important to teach yourself to drink plenty of water because often more food than drink is consumed throughout the day. If you regularly provide your body with enough water, it helps to keep your water levels stable. This reduces your appetite, and you’ll consume fewer calories. If you still want to eat something, opt for a hydrating piece of fruit, such as an apple, orange, or mandarin.

Avoid Caloric Drinks

In the point above, we explicitly mention that you should drink water (or tea) if you want to maintain your hydration. Many soft drinks are full of calories, and we want to create a negative energy balance. So, grab a bottle of water, a cup of herbal tea, or other low-calorie drinks when you’re thirsty. If you want to drink alcohol, try to moderate it to 1 or 2 glasses and then switch to water.

Eat More Protein

There are different types of foods to choose from daily. These all consist of protein, carbohydrates, or fats. Proteins and carbohydrates contain the fewest calories, and fat contains the most. Because protein contains fewer calories and can also satisfy hunger, it’s the ideal source of healthy nutrition. Examples of what you could eat are lean quark, chicken fillet with herbs, beans, and legumes. You can get protein not only from your diet but also from protein shakes. The advantage is that you can take them with you everywhere and prepare them quickly.

Eat Whole Grains

Like protein, whole grains can provide a longer feeling of satisfaction. Unlike fast carbohydrates, which often give you a feeling of hunger after an hour. So, breakfast with whole fiber-rich foods such as muesli, porridge, or oatmeal. Choose whole wheat pasta or multigrain rice in the evening and stay away from the white versions.

Start with an Appetizer

Often, the evening meal is the largest meal of the day. To prevent you from consuming too much at once, try starting with an appetizer. A salad can be a good appetizer that can satisfy a large part of your hunger in the evening. You can make it tasty with fresh ingredients or nuts. The advantage is that you start the main course less hungry, so you consume less than if you were to start directly with the main course.

Eat More Vegetables and Fruit

Fiber-rich foods are not only found in whole grain products. Vegetables and fruits are often fiber-rich and very low in calories. When you feel like snacking, don’t reach for cheese and cookies, but try making a mix of different types of fruit instead.

Do you have more tips on how to lose weight together without a diet? Let us know in the comments.


  1. Amy A. Gorin, Erin M. Lenz, Talea Cornelius, Tania Huedo-Medina, Alexis C. Wojtanowski, Gary D. Foster. Randomized Controlled Trial Examining the Ripple Effect of a Nationally Available Weight Management Program on Untreated Spouses. Obesity, 2018; DOI: 10.1002/oby.22098

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