The 5 best shoulder exercises

The 5 best shoulder exercises

Geschreven door Nathan Albers
Geschatte leestijd: 2 minuten

Broad shoulders, combined with a developed back, create a beautiful V-shape, but what are the best shoulder exercises when you want to train this group? The shoulder muscles, or musculus deltoideus, are a skeletal muscle. It lies close to the surface and is therefore clearly visible on the upper arm.

The musculus deltoideus in humans consists of three parts: Deltoideus Anterior (front), Deltoideus Lateralis (middle), and Deltoideus Medialis (back). To increase the size of the shoulders, it is essential to train all three parts. Below, we have outlined our top 5 exercises for training the musculus deltoideus.

Military Press

The military press is the best exercise for training your shoulders and is a staple in many training programs. The military press is primarily performed with a barbell, but you often see variations using dumbbells nowadays. Both variations have their advantages. Performing the exercise with a barbell requires a specific technique to maximize the exercise’s benefits. The exercise can be done both sitting and standing.

Arnold Press

The Arnold Press, as the name suggests, is an exercise invented by Arnold Schwarzenegger to train the shoulders. Essentially, the Arnold Press is largely comparable to the dumbbell press but with an additional component that also focuses on the sides of the muscle group. You start by holding the dumbbells 10 cm apart, in front of your chest, with palms facing towards you. Then, you rotate your palms and push the dumbbells above your head. Finally, bring the dumbbells back to the starting position.

Dumbbell Lateral Raise

The dumbbell lateral raise is an isolation exercise for your shoulders that can contribute to a V-Shape many men desire. Unlike many other exercises that target multiple parts of the shoulder muscles, the dumbbell lateral raise specifically trains the outer part of the shoulder muscles. Therefore, this exercise is often included in a series of multiple exercises.

Barbell Upright Row

The barbell upright row is one of the best exercises for the shoulders, and upper trapezius. With the barbell upright row, you train the front, side, and back of the deltoid muscles. In addition to the deltoid muscles and trapezius, this exercise also trains your back, biceps, and abdominals. When you hold the barbell too wide, it prevents the trapezius from being part of the exercise. Holding the barbell too narrow, on the other hand, blocks the shoulders. And a too fast execution is not desirable because it reduces the intensity and training stimulus.

Machine Lateral Raise

The lateral raise is often performed with dumbbells, but nowadays many fitness centers also have the machine lateral raise for training. The machine lateral raise is an isolation exercise, which essentially means that you specifically train 1 muscle group. To ensure you train your shoulders in a responsible manner on the machine lateral raise, make sure to set up the machine correctly first.

Do you have other exercises that you recommend for people who want to train their shoulders? Let us know in the comments below!


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