The 5 best biceps exercises

The 5 best biceps exercises

Geschreven door Nathan Albers
Geschatte leestijd: 2 minuten

Do you want to train your biceps with the best bicep exercises? Just like the triceps, the biceps owe their name to Latin and the official name is the musculus biceps brachii.

Whereas the triceps account for approximately 60% of the upper arm, the muscles forming the biceps account for the remaining 40% of the muscle mass. The muscle has 2 heads, hence the name BI-ceps, and their function is to flex the elbow. The long head (musculus biceps brachii longus) originates from the supraglenoid tubercle of the scapula (shoulder blade). The short head (musculus biceps brachii brevis) begins at the coracoid process of the same scapula. The muscle attaches at the tuberosity of the radius (the radius bone). We have compiled the top 5 exercises to train this muscle group effectively.

Dumbbell Curls

Dumbbell curls are perhaps the most well-known exercise for developing thick biceps. With dumbbell curls, you isolate two muscles of your biceps brachii, which run along the front of the humerus. You can perform dumbbell curls sitting or standing. The advantage of performing the exercise sitting is that you cannot use your lower back. This is something commonly seen when too heavy weights are used in standing dumbbell curls.

Preacher Curl

The preacher curl is an effective exercise for isolating the biceps brachii. The term preacher curl is based on the word “preacher,” which literally translates to “prediker” in Dutch. When viewed from the side, the exercise resembles someone preaching. Hence the name: preacher curl. With the preacher curl, you train the muscles while reducing the strain on your wrists.

Hammer Curl

The biceps are a relatively simple muscle group to train in terms of movement. Move your arm with some weight towards your shoulder, and you feel the muscles in your arms contract. There are various variations of this movement, each providing a slightly different training stimulus. One variation is the hammer curl. Hammer curls can be performed sitting or standing, similar to dumbbell curls.

Barbell Curls

Barbell curls are an exercise that can help you achieve muscle growth, strength, and definition for the biceps. Barbell curls are a variation of dumbbell curls, which, as the name suggests, are performed with dumbbells instead of a barbell. To perform barbell curls correctly, grip a barbell underhand, approximately shoulder-width apart. Lift the barbell to about shoulder height, with your elbows close to your sides. This places the weight of the barbell on the biceps.

Concentration Curls

An exercise you can do to train each bicep individually with dumbbells is concentration curls. Concentration curls can be performed sitting or standing, isolating the biceps of the arm specifically. Grab a dumbbell in one hand and sit on a fitness bench. Then, lean forward. Place the elbow against the inside of your thigh. This allows you to perform the movement in isolation, preventing other muscle groups, such as the shoulders, from participating in the exercise.

Do you think there are any other exercises that should be included in the list of best bicep exercises? Let us know in the comments below.


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