Six exercises for a flat stomach

Six exercises for a flat stomach

Geschreven door Nathan Albers
Geschatte leestijd: 3 minuten

The older you get, the harder it is to get a truly tight stomach. The reason for this is that hormonal changes in your body cause excess calories to go to your belly and be stored there… as fat.

Six exercises

According to research at the University of Vermont involving 178 women aged 20 to 60 with a healthy weight, the oldest woman had 55 percent more belly fat than the youngest.

A larger belly, however, can be avoided, and exercises that tighten your belly can certainly help. This Pilates core workout is your secret weapon.

According to the creator of this workout, Pilates instructor Michelle Dozois from Los Angeles, this workout targets all the abdominal muscles:

  • the rectus abdominis, which runs down the middle and is responsible for your six-pack
  • the obliques, which are on the sides and are responsible for the width of your waist
  • and the deep-lying transversus abdominis, which is often overlooked in traditional ab workouts

To get the most out of the exercises, it’s best to pull in your belly with each repetition by pulling your navel toward your spine. Do this Pilates workout three times a week, so every other day.

Toe Taps

Lie on your back with your legs up and bent at 90 degrees – thighs straight up and your calves parallel to the ground. Let your hands rest palms down beside your body. Keep your abdominal muscles engaged and press your lower back into the ground.

Inhale and lower your left leg for a count of two (“one, two”), moving only from your hip and pointing your toes toward the ground (without actually touching it). Exhale and bring your leg back to the starting position in about two seconds (“one, two”).

Repeat with your right leg, and continue alternating until you’ve done 12 repetitions for each leg.

Leg Circles

Lie on your back with your arms stretched out beside you on the ground. Bring your left leg straight up, pointing your toes upward, and keep your hands beside you, palms down. Hold your leg in this position for 10 to 60 seconds. If this position doesn’t feel comfortable, bend your right leg and place your right foot flat on the ground.

Draw small circles in the air with your left toes, moving your leg from your hip. Inhale as you begin the circle and exhale when the circle is complete. Keep your body as still as possible – no rocking back and forth – by engaging your abdominal muscles.

Make six circles, then make six circles in the opposite direction. Repeat this with your other leg.

Crisscross (or Crisscross Crunch)

Start in the same position as with the Toe Taps, but keep your arms behind your head with your elbows pointing out to the sides. Lift up with your head and neck until your shoulders are off the ground.

As you inhale, twist your upper body to the right, bringing your right knee and left shoulder toward each other, and extend your left leg diagonally upward from your hip.

Exhale, then twist to the left side, bringing your left knee and right shoulder toward each other, and extend your right leg. That’s one repetition.

Do six repetitions. It sounds challenging, but the video makes it all clear.

Leg Kick (or Side Kick)

Lie on your right side and keep your legs straight and together, so your body forms a straight line. Support yourself on your left elbow and forearm, lifting your ribcage off the ground and raising your head. Place your right hand lightly in front of you on the ground to balance your body (if this position is uncomfortable, stretch your left arm on the ground and rest your head on your arm).

Bring your right leg up to hip height and flex your foot so your toes point forward. Exhale as you kick, extending your right leg as far forward as possible, and hold your leg for two counts (“kick, kick”). Inhale, point your foot, and swing your leg backward past your left leg.

That’s one repetition.

Do six repetitions without lowering your leg. Then repeat the exercise for the other side of your body.

Back Extension with Rotation

Lie on your stomach with your forehead on your hands, palms on the ground. Bring your feet hip-width apart and engage your abdominal muscles.

Lift your head, shoulders, and chest off the ground. Rotate your upper body to the right, back to center, then lower back down.

Repeat this to the left side, alternating sides until you’ve done six repetitions for each side.

Side Bend

Sit on your left hip with your left leg extended in front of you and your left hand under your shoulder. Place your right foot flat on the ground just in front of your left foot, so your right knee points straight up. Rest your right arm on your right knee.

Now engage your abdominal muscles, press with your left hand, and lift your hips off the ground. As you come up on your left knee, extend your right leg, and raise your right arm above your head, forming a straight line from your right fingers all the way to your right toes.

Hold this position for 10 to 30 seconds. Lower your body and repeat on the other side.


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