Lose Weight and Don’t Lose Your Hips and Buttocks

Lose Weight and Don’t Lose Your Hips and Buttocks

Geschreven door Nathan Albers
Geschatte leestijd: 3 minuten

Carrying extra weight around your middle is bad for your health because it is close to the vital organs in your body. If you want to lose this weight but not from your hips and buttocks, some precision work is needed.

Exercise plays an important role in the process, but you will also need to make some adjustments to your diet. The effectiveness of this two-pronged approach largely depends on your discipline and willingness to make sacrifices.

Also, be aware that it is not possible to lose weight from a specific area alone.

Reduce Your Calories

Eat slightly fewer calories each day to promote weight loss. Keep track of your calorie intake for five days, add up the totals, and divide this number by five to get a rough estimate of your current daily calorie intake.

Reduce this number by 500. This ensures that you lose about a pound of weight per week from your middle and the rest of your body.

Multiple Meals

Eat multiple meals throughout the day with healthy foods. By feeding your body regularly, you keep your metabolism high and avoid hunger.

Have your first meal as soon as you get up and then eat a meal every two to three hours. Let these meals consist of healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, lean meat, fish, and low-fat dairy products. A whole-grain pita with low-fat cheese, lettuce, and tomato is a quick, healthy meal.

Cardio Training

Burn fat from your middle and the rest of your body by sprinting. Sprinting (running short distances very fast) burns a large amount of calories, gives your metabolism a boost, and trains your muscles hard, keeping them lean and tight.

Start your workouts with five minutes of easy jogging to warm up and increase your body temperature.

Sprint for 20 seconds as fast as you can, and then rest for 40 seconds. Do another sprint and repeat this sequence 12 to 15 times in a row.

Finish with five minutes of easy jogging to cool down. Do this three times a week with a rest day in between.

Strength Training

Train your hips and buttocks with glute exercises to make the muscles bigger. Perform exercises like squats, step-ups, lunges, seated hip abduction on a machine, and standing cable hip abduction.

Use a weight that is heavy enough that you can only do eight to twelve repetitions. Do four to five sets per exercise, and train three times a week on the days you do not do cardio training.

Hold two dumbbells at your side when doing squats, step-ups, and lunges, and change the weights on the seated hip abduction machine and the cable station by inserting a pin in the weight stack.

Make sure you perform the exercises correctly to get the best results. When doing squats, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, and hold the dumbbells at your side.

Keep your abdominal muscles tight and your back straight as you bend your knees and lower your body. Push your buttocks back as you do this, and stop lowering when your thighs are parallel to the ground. Then slowly rise up and repeat the movement.

Train Your Waist

Train your waist to make it tight and slim while you lose weight. Do exercises that train all parts of your waist, such as hanging knee raises, twisting crunches, side plank raises, supermans, and v-ups.

Do 15 to 20 repetitions per set, do three or four sets per exercise, and train your waist three or four days a week.

Pay close attention to using the correct technique in the exercises. It is important to tighten your abdominal muscles hard when you are halfway through the movement.

Do v-ups by lying flat on the floor, your arms extended above your head and your legs together. Lift your arms and legs up and move your hands towards your feet. Balance on your buttocks for a moment as your hands touch your toes. Tighten your abdominal muscles hard, lower your body back to the starting position, and repeat the movement.


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