Belly fat in men

Belly fat in men

Geschreven door Nathan Albers
Geschatte leestijd: 3 minuten

Belly fat is no joke. Find out what causes belly fat, the health risks it poses for men, and what you can do to shed those extra pounds.

Buikvet bij Mannen

If you’re carrying some extra pounds, you’re not alone. However, this is not something to follow the crowd on. Carrying excess weight, especially around the abdomen, can pose many risks.

Why is Belly Fat a Problem for Men?

People who accumulate belly fat are at greater risk of health problems, even deadly ones, than those who store fat in other areas of the body. Men also tend to accumulate fat around their waist more than women.

Apart from your overall weight, a large amount of belly fat increases the risk of:

  • heart disease
  • high blood pressure
  • heart attacks
  • some types of cancer
  • type 2 diabetes
  • insulin resistance
  • higher triglyceride levels
  • lower levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL), the ‘good’ cholesterol
  • metabolic syndrome
  • sleep apnea

How Do You Determine If You Have Too Much Belly Fat?

Your waist circumference is a good indication of whether you have too much belly fat. Although measurements using your hip circumference and waist-to-hip ratio or considering the ratio of your height to weight (BMI) are much more accurate, your waist circumference alone can also provide a good indication. Another indication is your body fat percentage. With the FatTrack GOLD Digital Body Fat Caliper, you only need to measure the skin folds, and the calculation of your body fat percentage is done for you.

In most men, the risks of heart disease and other diseases increase when the waist size exceeds 102 centimeters.

You can determine your waist circumference as follows:

  • Place a measuring tape around your bare stomach just above your hip bones
  • Tighten the tape measure until it fits snugly around your waist but does not press into your skin
  • Ensure the tape measure is level all around
  • Relax, exhale, and measure your waist circumference – do not suck in your stomach

Does Age Play a Role in Accumulating Belly Fat?

As you age, you lose muscle mass, especially if you are not physically active. Muscle loss slows down your body’s calorie burning. If you don’t eat fewer calories or increase your physical activity, you’re likely to gain weight.

Is Belly Fat Hereditary?

Your genes can affect the likelihood of you gaining weight and where on your body you store your extra fat. For most men, the issue usually lies more with lifestyle than genetic factors.

Do You Really Get a Beer Belly from Alcohol?

If you drink alcohol excessively, you can indeed develop belly fat – the beer belly. But it’s not just beer that causes this issue. Too much of any type of alcoholic beverage can contribute to increasing your belly fat, although according to research, wine is likely an exception.

If you drink alcohol, do so in moderation. The less you drink, the fewer calories you consume and the less likely you are to accumulate belly fat.

How Do I Get Rid of Belly Fat?

Whether you’re trying to lose belly fat or melt fat from another part of your body, the rules of weight loss are the same:

Reduce the number of calories you eat

Take smaller portions. Replace the foods you normally eat with healthy foods that are lower in calories. If you’re going to a restaurant, share your meal with friends or eat half and take the rest home for another day.

More physical activities

For most healthy adults, it is recommended to do 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic exercise weekly, in addition to your strength training. You may need to do more to lose weight and keep it off. If you can’t make time for longer workouts, try shorter intense workouts throughout the day. Start with a walk after dinner or play soccer with the kids.

Once you’ve shed your excess pounds, you can keep this weight off with a healthy diet and regular physical training.

Can You Lose Belly Fat with Sit-Ups?

Sit-ups help strengthen the muscles of your abdomen, but doing only abdominal exercises does not help target belly fat specifically. The best way to shrink your waistline is to lower your overall body fat percentage through healthy eating and regular physical training.

Remember that you can truly lose your belly fat; it just takes patience and effort. Even shedding a few extra pounds will help you feel better and make you less susceptible to health issues.


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