5 Common Mistakes While Squatting

5 Common Mistakes While Squatting

Geschreven door Nathan Albers
Geschatte leestijd: 2 minuten As a personal trainer, I’m not exaggerating when I say that 80% of all members in my club perform certain exercises ‘incorrectly.’ I hope to provide more clarity by creating videos (see below) and articles. In collaboration with Nazil Karić, I’ve worked on a video series of 4 episodes covering:
  • bench press
  • squat
  • deadlift
  • pull up.
In these, I highlight the most common gym ‘mistakes.’

1. Unnecessary Walking

The mistake often starts with the setup. Often, unnecessary walking is done with a lot of weight on the bar. Taking 5-10 backward steps can cause stability problems, and unnecessary loading can also lead to loss of strength. Facing your back towards the squat rack is dangerous. This will force you to walk backward with a heavy load on your back without being able to see the squat rack, causing instability and loss of strength.

2. Not Gripping the Bar Firmly

Not gripping the bar firmly can cause stability issues. Before you squat, you need to stand firmly and focus. You do this by gripping the bar tightly and pulling it into your body. Often, I see people holding the bar in their fingertips. This is dangerous firstly, and this way, you’ll also be able to move less weight because it costs you stability.

3. Fit Girl Squats

Squeezing your buttocks together when you reach the highest position of your squat serves no purpose. By doing this, you tilt your pelvis inward, which can cause you to overextend your back. As an argument, it’s often used: “Yes, but I feel my buttocks better this way.” And yes, that’s correct. Nevertheless, you’ll also feel your buttocks better when you tighten them while doing the dishes. Squeezing your buttocks during the squat serves no purpose.

4. The ‘My Physio Says My Knees Shouldn’t Go Over My Toes’ Squat

The notion that our knees should not go past our toes has been outdated for a while. I’d like to support this with another article. However, I’m more concerned about the execution of the squat. This arises because people don’t let their knees go over their toes. Often, I see that there’s a reduced range of motion, people don’t go as deep. I also notice that when making depth, a curvature in the spine occurs. This makes you tend to fall forward.

5. Using the Pussy Pad

Using a foam pad in your neck also causes stability problems. Additionally, the bar rests too high on your neck, causing you to tilt forward. Usually, it’s just a matter of finding the right spot without the pad. This may take 1 to 2 weeks, but I can promise you that it’s much more comfortable and it’s better for your squat.

How Should It Be Done Then?

To give you an idea of the correct execution of a squat, I recommend watching the video below. At the end, I provide tips & tricks that will elevate your SQUAT to a higher level. If you’re interested in further guidance, feel free to contact me via the FITsociety Online Coaching App.

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