Study: Running strengthens neural connections in brains

Study: Running strengthens neural connections in brains

Geschreven door Nathan Albers

Geschatte leestijd: 2 minutenAccording to recent research, running increases the connections between different areas of the brain. This may not only be beneficial for certain cognitive functions but also a weapon in the fight against dementia.

Neural Connections

The most simplified, commonly used explanation of how neural connections work is as follows:

Think of the connections between different areas of the brain as paths in a forest. Performing different mental tasks can be seen as walking along different paths through a forest. Paths that are frequently used are well-trodden. Paths that you rarely or never use become overgrown. These tasks are therefore more difficult to perform. You must clear the path with a machete before you can continue.

Previous research has shown that certain tasks can have a positive effect on these connections. Especially more complex tasks that require good hand-eye coordination, such as playing a musical instrument. Researchers at the University of Arizona now investigated the effect of running on the brain [1].

Cognitive Functions

Based on brain scans, they observed improvement in the connections between various brain regions. Regions such as the frontal cortex, which is important for tasks such as decision-making, planning, and multitasking.

Whether these improved connections actually lead to improved cognitive functions will need to be determined in further research.

Running Strengthens Neural Connections

The motivation for the study stemmed from the results of other studies on the effects of training on the brain. However, these studies were often conducted with older adults, often in relation to dementia research. Researchers at the University of Arizona were now interested in the effect on the brains of young people. Under the guise of “Start young, stay sharp,” the researchers want to uncover the benefits of physical activity at a younger age.

To do this, they compared MRI scans of cross-country runners (males aged 18-25) with scans of a group of young men who had not engaged in sports for at least a year. The MRI scans measured the strength of functional connections at rest when the runners were awake but not physically active. The connections were found to be stronger/more active in the runners.

Their research indicates that this “mentally simple activity” of running can have a similar effect on these connections as more complex tasks requiring more hand-eye coordination. Apparently, repetitive physical activities like running require more elements such as planning and decision-making than one might expect, according to the researchers.

Running as “Dementia Prevention”?

Specifically, the improved neural connections observed in the study often tend to change as you get older, especially in the case of conditions like Alzheimer’s. Going back to the analogy, it’s as if someone has sprinkled plant food over all those paths in the forest.

The researchers therefore wonder if the effects of this type of activity in your earlier life last long enough to benefit from them later. Is it like paving a forest path? Or do you not benefit from the effect long enough to, for example, reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s?


  1. David A. Raichlen, Pradyumna K. Bharadwaj, Megan C. Fitzhugh, Kari A. Haws, Gabrielle-Ann Torre, Theodore P. Trouard, Gene E. Alexander. Differences in Resting State Functional Connectivity between Young Adult Endurance Athletes and Healthy Controls. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2016; 10 DOI: 10.3389/fnhum.2016.00610

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