Study: A protein shake before bed doesn’t add body fat

Study: A protein shake before bed doesn’t add body fat

Geschreven door Nathan Albers
Geschatte leestijd: 3 minuten

Drinking a protein shake before bedtime does not lead to extra body fat. This is according to recent research among physically active women.

Photo by The Creative Exchange via Unsplash

A Protein Shake Before Bedtime

Athletes who value muscle mass can consume proteins before bedtime. Proteins provide the necessary amino acids from which muscle cells can create proteins, leading to muscle growth. At the same time, the presence of amino acids limits the muscles’ need to break down proteins (and thus muscle mass). Especially ‘slow’ proteins, especially casein, are very popular in this regard. Casein can elevate amino acid levels in the blood for longer than 7 hours. Ideal when you’re fasting for 8 hours during sleep. However, some people may be concerned that drinking such a shake before bed can lead to the creation of extra body fat. This is due to the old folk wisdom that eating late at night leads to extra body fat, let alone right before bedtime. After all, energy from food would be less consumed during the inactivity of sleep, increasing the chance that this energy would be stored as emergency reserves in fat cells. However, proteins are converted into body fat much less than carbohydrates and fats. Recent research confirms that concerns about proteins before bedtime are unfounded.

A Protein Shake Before Bedtime Does Not Lead to Extra Body Fat

Researchers from Florida State University led the study in which the intake of a casein shake during the day was compared to the same shake before bedtime [1]. They concluded that the shake before bedtime had no effect on the burning of belly fat and body fat in general.
For far too long, people have been led to believe that eating before bed causes metabolic disturbances and will make them gain fat. However, the data simply does not support this when the food we choose to eat before bed is protein-based and small in size. Michael Ormsbee, Florida State University
Because previous studies mainly focused on men, they now looked at the effect on female weightlifters. They used two experimental conditions to study fat metabolism.

Fat Metabolism After a Protein Shake Before Bedtime

First, they looked at the effect of a casein shake 30 minutes after a workout and a placebo shake (with the same flavor) before bedtime. Then the ladies drank these shakes in reverse order. Afterwards, the researchers developed a method of measurement for assessing the various steps in the process of nighttime fat metabolism. First, they recorded lipolysis, the release of fat by fat cells. This allowed them to see if the shake before bedtime affected the ability of the fat cell to release stored fat to surrounding tissue. Then, based on breath, they measured to what extent the body was able to burn this released fat. As mentioned, the human body is not quick to convert proteins into fat. Previous studies have shown that the intake of proteins combined with training can be a trigger for the release of fat by cells. Brittany Allman, doctoral student at the university, said so. From the results, the researchers concluded that for women who engage in strength training, the benefits of a nighttime shake are much greater than any potential drawbacks.

Misconceptions About Eating Before Bedtime

In women who weight train, there are no differences in overnight local belly fat metabolism or whole-body fat burn whether you eat protein in the form of a protein shake during the day post-workout or at night presleep. So, essentially, you can eat protein before bed and not disturb fat metabolism. Brittany Allman
According to Allman, there are many misconceptions about eating in the evening. “It makes you gain weight,” or “fat burning slows down.” She also points out that this only applies when it comes to high-calorie meals that are mainly made up of carbohydrates and fats. On the other hand, there are the great benefits of proteins before bedtime.


  1. Brittany R Allman, Margaret C Morrissey, Jeong-Su Kim, Lynn B Panton, Robert J Contreras, Robert C Hickner, Michael J Ormsbee. Lipolysis and Fat Oxidation Are Not Altered with Presleep Compared with Daytime Casein Protein Intake in Resistance-Trained WomenThe Journal of Nutrition, 2019;

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