Research: scientists develop revolutionary slimming pill

Research: scientists develop revolutionary slimming pill

Geschreven door Nathan Albers
Geschatte leestijd: 3 minuten Researchers have discovered a new molecule that simulates the effects of exercise and acts as a weight loss pill in overweight mice. They published their findings in the journal Chemistry and Biology last Monday.

Weight Loss Pill of the Future?

Last week, I wrote about the solutions that science is trying to find for the problem of obesity. In the article about FIRKO mice, I concluded with the prediction that within the next 15 years, gyms in their current form will no longer exist. This prediction was based on the expectation that exercising as we do now will no longer be necessary for achieving your ideal physique. A week later, I can write about the latest development that further strengthens this future expectation.

Compound 14: “Exercise Pill”

Researchers from the University of Southampton published data on a new molecule last Monday [1]. According to the researchers, this molecule simulates the effects of exercise and tricks the cells into thinking they are low on energy. The molecule, named compound 14, triggers a series of actions in the cell:
  • It blocks the action of an enzyme called ATIC.
  • This leads to an increase in ZMP, the main regulator of metabolism in cells.
  • Due to the increase in ZMP, the cell thinks it has an energy deficit, activating the central energy sensor of the cell, AMPK.
  • The cells then increase their uptake of glucose and metabolism.
These are the actions we normally see under the influence of exercise, leading to fat burning. Making your body think you’re sweating on a treadmill while you’re sitting at home in front of the TV? Sounds good.

Overweight Mice Lose Weight, No Effect on Normal Mice

One initial concern that comes to mind, however, is that this could lead to use by people who want to be extremely lean, with all the associated risks. However, this doesn’t seem to be a realistic risk. The researchers administered the molecule, called “compound 14,” to two groups of mice. One group had received a normal diet, while the other had received a high-fat diet, leading to obesity. Due to the diet and obesity, the second group had reduced glucose tolerance, an early sign of diabetes. The researchers gave both groups a daily dose of compound 14 for seven days. In the overweight mice, this resulted in a 5% reduction in body weight. Furthermore, their blood sugar levels normalized. However, compound 14 had no effect on the group of mice with normal weight. So, the molecule seems to only have an effect on overweight mice.

Long-Term Effects and Mechanism of Action of the “Weight Loss Molecule”

The researchers now plan to investigate the long-term effects of their molecule. Furthermore, they want to gain more insight into how compound 14 works exactly. Both are aimed at identifying any side effects. This is intended to explore the possibility of use in humans.

Selective Weight Loss Pill

I see a few promising properties in compound 14. Simulating the effects of exercise can also be done with known stackers containing ephedrine. The disadvantage of these is that they work, among other ways, by increasing your heart rate. This poses various risks, leading to their prohibition. Compound 14 works at the cellular level, allowing the heart rate to remain normal. Another promising property is that the pill seems to only work in mice (and hopefully eventually humans) with overweight. It appears as though despite the molecule’s deception, the body only takes action when there are “sufficient” fat reserves. The question for further research is therefore to look into potential side effects as well as at what form of obesity, or at what percentage of body fat, compound 14 works and to what extent.


  1. Daniel J. Asby, Francesco Cuda, Maxime Beyaert, Franchesca D. Houghton, Felino R. Cagampang, Ali Tavassoli. AMPK Activation via Modulation of De Novo Purine Biosynthesis with an Inhibitor of ATIC Homodimerization. journal Chemistry and Biology Volume 22, Issue 7, p838–848, 23 July 2015

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