A narrower waist with the fitness hula hoop?

A narrower waist with the fitness hula hoop?

Geschreven door Nathan Albers
Geschatte leestijd: 4 minuten Recent research has shown that training with a fitness hula hoop makes the waist smaller. Unfortunately, it seems that the lost fat reappears elsewhere.

The fitness hula hoop

Recently, I wrote in the article “Why is losing weight difficult”, about hypes regarding fat burners, superfoods, and diets that come at the expense of learning discipline and basic knowledge about nutrition and energy intake. When it comes to exercise and energy expenditure, we see another phenomenon: All kinds of new flashy methods that are often invented for commercial reasons. Recently, I wrote about fitness twerking and explained why I’m less bothered by it than nutritional fads because at least they get people moving. One difference, however, with fitness twerking is that the effectiveness of the fitness hula hoop was studied in a scientific study at the end of last year [1].

What is a “fitness hula hoop”?

A “fitness hula hoop,” also called a “fitness hoop” or “body hoop,” is a hula hoop that is heavier (weight can vary), thicker, and larger than a regular hula hoop. There are different variants. As mentioned, the weight can vary, but also the circumference and the interior.

Heavier than a normal hula hoop

Because the fitness hula hoop is heavier than a normal hula hoop, it is easier to keep in motion. Now you might think, “But shouldn’t it be harder?” However, many, if not most, people cannot keep a regular hula hoop up long enough to make it a real workout. Moreover, less speed does not necessarily mean less resistance. Sellers also claim that the increased weight activates the “core” muscles more, which sounds plausible. However, the basic concept, like twerking, is simply that you are in motion long enough. For people who can’t get themselves on a treadmill, bike, or elliptical, it can be a good alternative. At least in terms of movement itself. Whether it is equally effective is of course questionable.

Bumps on the inside

In addition to the “regular” fitness hula hoop with larger bumps on the inside, there are also variants that have more and smaller bumps for a massaging effect. However, not everyone appreciates this, and many simply experience it as painful. The larger bumps on the inside of the regular fitness hula hoop are said to offer various benefits. They are also said to ensure that the muscles around the waist are more tensed, but how, that is not clear to me.
Shapes your entire body by massaging acupuncture points.
Other selling sites claim that the bumps achieve the effect of acupuncture or a massage. That sounds like typical infomercial language to me: Loud, spectacular claims that are not substantiated by (independent) research.


What has been shown, however, are the bruises you can expect at the beginning when you start with the fitness hula hoop. If various sellers prominently mention this, it is probably because they have already received so many complaints about it that it is in their own interest to prepare you for this. Some even recommend an elastic band around your waist for protection if you’re still a hula hoop rookie. Of course, that band is then nicely sold as a means to burn even more by increasing the temperature. Again borrowed from Teleshopping (remember the sauna belts?).

Does the fitness hula hoop “work”?

However, the first (independent) study on (some of) the effects of the fitness hula hoop was recently conducted. Researchers from the University of Waterloo in Canada had 18 women train with a fitness hula hoop weighing 1.7 kg for six weeks. During those six weeks, they trained once a week in class and four more times at home. In the end, there were 13 women who completed all six weeks and all the training sessions. The researchers then looked at the effect the six weeks had on the strength of the muscles in their waist, on the circumference of the waist and hips, and on the percentage of fat measured in five different places.

Fitness hula hoop results

In terms of strength, there was no (statistically significant) increase. So, the activation of the core muscles seemed to be less than expected. On average, however, the participants lost 3.4 cm from their waist and 1.4 cm from their hips! That’s good news, of course, although it needs some nuance. When the researchers looked at the percentage of fat measured over the five different points of the body, it actually increased. The body fat simply moved.
There were no significant changes in torso muscular endurance after the six weeks of hooping; however, the average “Sum of 5” skinfold measurements increased by 10.5cm (p<0.05). This study of weighted hula hooping suggested that regular hooping was associated with reduced waist and hip girth together with a redistribution of body mass, however there were no improvements in torso muscular endurance as measured by isometric testing. S. McGill, University of Waterloo
Regarding the fact that it does not seem possible to burn fat locally, I have already written extensively. However, this concerns the movement of fat. When you realize that it is mainly fat around the abdomen and hips that is seen as a health risk [2], the fitness hula hoop seems like a fun and effective way to do something about it. It should be noted, however, that one study among thirteen women may not say much, but it is at least a hopeful start!


  1. Stuart McGill et al. A 6 week trial of hula hooping using a weighted hoop: Effects on skinfold, girths, weight and torso muscle endurance. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research Publish Ahead of Print DOI: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000000653
  2. Emery EM, Schmid TL, Kahn HS, Filozof PP. A review of the association between abdominal fat distribution, health outcome measures, and modifiable risk factors. Am J Health Promot. 1993 May-Jun;7(5):342-53. Review. PubMed PMID: 10148711.

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