Yoga pants: Eye candy or torture?

Yoga pants: Eye candy or torture?

Geschreven door Nathan Albers
Geschatte leestijd: 4 minuten

I am always the epitome of correctness. So, I don’t stare at ladies who are working out. However, with the rise of yoga pants, this is becoming increasingly difficult. How much extra energy would I have for the workout if I didn’t have to make so much effort to suppress my male instinct? Do you know how difficult it is to create a non-existent blind spot? Moreover, if you’re going to deadlift in such pants just half a meter away from me, is it an insult if I don’t look or disturbing if I do?

When the hunter is no longer allowed to hunt, who will eat meat?

I am so glad I’m already married! It seems that the single man is being increasingly restricted. With actions like the videos of women walking ten hours through New York and being catcalled and proposals in Dutch politics to criminalize “pssst” sounds, it seems the intention is to muzzle men. I understand that “pssst” sounds can be perceived as annoying, but in my youth, the lady in question would just ask, “are you leaking or something?” And no, she wasn’t immediately called a whore or any other “flattering” term.

So, we mustn’t approach women on the street because we might be the hundredth person and she was already on the verge of bursting into tears from all that unwanted attention. Apparently, as men, we are no longer allowed to hunt, although this hunting has already been reduced from clubbing and throwing women over the shoulder as in the time of cavemen to coming up with the right “pick-up lines” in the club.

But if men are no longer allowed to hunt and women don’t take over the hunt, then who will eat meat?

Does this mean that flirting is only allowed in designated places, a bit like smoking? Or does it mean that “live flirting” is just “sooo 2010” with the advent of online dating? After all, swiping is much easier than saying for the tenth time that you already have a boyfriend.

Opinions differ on how this works in the gym. On one hand, men staring at women is mentioned as a major source of irritation (it’s not clear whether it’s more or less annoying when they were approached instead of stared at). On the other hand, we also hear stories about romances that have originated in the gym. There are undoubtedly “gym babies” born who wouldn’t exist if the father had been afraid of “bothering” the mother.

Thanks also to Beyonce, Kim, and Nicki?

But back to the point: If the intention is for women in the gym to be less observed, the arrival of yoga pants has not exactly made that easier. Especially not in combination with the buttocks hype that seems to have emerged in recent years.

What happened to the stereotype that white girls don’t have a butt? Is that the bootylicious influence of anaconda-Kardashians butts? Suddenly I see women squatting, which they used to consider a curse word, hip thrusts that most had never heard of, almost becoming a basic exercise in women’s training schedules, and silicone shifting from breasts to buttocks.

Then the result of that hard work is presented in yoga pants, which have the effect on men like the red buttocks of baboons wanting to mate. Normal exercises suddenly become soft-erotic. Just doing your cardio on a stepper or step machine suddenly has a hypnotic effect on the person behind you, who can suddenly concentrate on nothing else but the rhythmic up and down movement of the buttocks: “Left cheek, right cheek, left cheek, right cheek….”

A man’s civility is largely determined by the strength of the filter between thoughts and actions. Wanting to look but not doing it. Wanting to touch but not doing it, etc. etc. Do you know the movie “What women want” with Mel Gibson who could read women’s thoughts? If it was a woman who could read men’s thoughts, it would have been an X-rated film that would have been sued by feminist organizations for “woman-unfriendly remarks”. Think of it as the struggle between socialization on one hand (all the rules imposed on us by society) and instinct on the other. Yoga pants don’t make that struggle any easier. Just as wearing a low neckline on not very large breasts makes it harder not to look at those breasts.

Regarding the latter, I only understood how it feels for a woman when someone thinks they’re unnoticed looking at her breasts when I became significantly more muscular through training for the first time and people sometimes cast furtive glances at my arms in the same way. You can see that it wasn’t a conscious action to look at your arms, but an unconscious action that was almost unavoidable. I was wearing such an overly macho tight shirt with sleeves that were actually too short, causing the biceps to almost obscenely stand out. So ladies: We often don’t do it on purpose, but we are just programmed that way for the survival of the human race. For the gentlemen: She really notices it, however fleeting you try to look!

By the way, I mentioned Beyonce, Kim, and Nicki, but who better to show off the yoga pants than Jenny Selter, “Instagram’s most famous buttocks”? Especially check out the effect on the men at 0:20.

What do you think?

I’m curious to know what the readers think of yoga pants and what effect they have or can have on men, but also what you think about flirting in the gym. From the ladies, I’m especially interested in what effect they hope to achieve with this.


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