Toned body in 28 days

Toned body in 28 days

Geschreven door Nathan Albers
Geschatte leestijd: 4 minuten How to get a toned body in 28 days? Here you can read the tips to work towards that dream figure in just four weeks.

A tight body in 28 days

This article does not tell you how to get a tight body in 28 days. Here you will not find tips to work towards the dream figure in just four weeks. This article tells you why you shouldn’t read such articles at all. Sometimes I get some old articles on our blog if they need a bit of polishing or supplementation. So, this article from November 2013 called ‘A tight body in 28 days‘ also ended up in front of me. I intentionally mention the date as an alibi because I only started writing for FITsociety a month later. After all, I would never write such nonsense article. Unless it was meant sarcastically, of course. However, the original piece was a fairly extensive article with tips on nutrition, training motivation, etc. I only read half of it. I only took that effort to check if there was any hidden trickery in it. But, no. It was a serious article. The tips were serious and well-intended. However, it doesn’t take away from the fact that it was a beautiful elaboration of an absurd proposition: A tight body in 28 days.

Fixed period for a tight body is fantasy!

I have to stay nice, of course, because you also opened this article. So, you hope to achieve a tight body in 28 days. If you’re reading this now, in January, it probably won’t be for that beach vacation. Maybe you have a reunion in a month and you promised yourself not to be recognized anymore as “chubby Bert.” Maybe you used fake photos in online dating and have four weeks to turn yourself into a fitness model. If you pin your hopes on such an article, you’re probably the one for whom it’s the biggest nonsense. Do you know who can get a tight body in 28 days? People with a body that’s already tight, or that’s ‘just not quite tight yet.’ And ‘tight’ is a subjective term. There’s a good chance that Bert already finds such a ‘just not quite tight’ body extremely tight. For someone else, ‘tight’ is the result of a few days of dehydration after months of dieting for a bodybuilding competition. Where Bert would mainly be happy without all that extra fat, for someone else, a certain amount of muscle mass is still part of a ‘tight’ body. The fact that the title uses a vague term like ‘tight’ is already a reason to skip it.

A tight body in 28 terrible days, fat in 14 days

There is, of course, a maximum amount of weight someone can lose in fat mass and gain in muscle mass in a certain period. Those goals are often diametrically opposed in terms of nutrition, which is an additional limitation. In theory, it’s possible to lose 4 kilograms per week. However, that’s quite extreme. You almost only see such figures in people with severe obesity who suddenly switch to a crash diet and start training vigorously. Giving up all goodies and living fully Spartan. Almost by definition, a regime that is impossible to maintain. Your metabolism will also slow down significantly because your body thinks there’s a sudden famine. The more extreme the weight loss, the greater the resistance of your body.

Toned body in 28 days, fat in 14 days

But suppose Bert is 1.80 meters tall and weighed 100 kilograms. Then those 20 kilograms, depending on your definition, could mean the difference between ‘tight’ and ‘not tight.’ For a reunion in an equally tight suit, it might provide just enough confidence to approach the prettiest girl from your final year. Just too bad you’re grumpy from hunger and growling at anyone who comes near with snacks . The day after the reunion, Bert can go back to the clothing store. This time to buy larger clothes. Given that Bert is someone who reads articles with the title ‘A tight body in 28 days,’ you shouldn’t expect him to stick to his diet and training. Old habits return while the body is still hoarding. The pounds fly back even faster than they disappeared. Toned in 28 days, fat in 14 days.

A healthy body in all the time you need

The greater the difference between the body you want and the body you have, the greater the benefit to gradually change your lifestyle instead of drastically. If you want the improvements in your diet and exercise to be permanent, you need to think in terms of years rather than weeks. You can take a scientific approach and calculate your nutritional needs and work towards them step by step. It’s often recommended to set concrete goals. I only advise to keep those goals reasonable. You can also choose to make improvements step by step and determine based on the results whether you’re on the right track. Every week, look for a healthier alternative for a part of your diet. Find easy ways to incorporate more movement into your life. Steps that motivate because they’re sustainable and therefore don’t inherently have a temporary nature. Whatever you do, give yourself more than 28 days.

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