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  • Is Temptation Island seducer Alex fed up with his bitch nits?

Is Temptation Island seducer Alex fed up with his bitch nits?

Geschreven door Nathan Albers
Geschatte leestijd: 3 minuten Temptation Island seducer Alex is tired of his bitch tits. At least, that’s what we suspect. Why else would he go to a plastic surgeon to work on his breasts?


No man wants man boobs. You normally see those on boys who are picked last in gym class. So, I understand why Alex wants to get rid of them. After all, Alex is ‘a real man.’ Gynecomastia comes from the word gynaecomastia (Greek gyne ‘woman’ and mastos ‘breast’). Also called ‘gyno’, or ‘bitch tits’. This male breast formation is not the result of Monday at the gym, but usually due to an imbalance in hormones. Visually, the effect is also different from a trained chest. The term ‘bitch tits’ refers to the glandular discs behind the nipples. These are supposed to disappear in boys during childhood but can develop during puberty in some. Sometimes gynecomastia can be confused with a buildup of fat behind the nipple. This buildup of fat occurs, as you would expect, mainly in overweight men [1]. However, in a small number of cases, this can also occur in men with a normal or low body fat percentage. The buildup of fat is visually often distinguishable from gynecomastia because there are no discs but a more uniform thickening. For some bodybuilding organizations, visible discs in competition participants can lead to point deductions or bans. The use of anabolic steroids is a common cause of gynecomastia. This poses a difficult point for competition organizations. With super dry, adult men on a bodybuilding stage, the chances are pretty high that the use of anabolic steroids is the cause. However, other causes cannot be ruled out, so different approaches are taken.

‘Alex Wants Breast Reduction’

‘Chicks don’t like bitch tits,’ Alex probably thought. So, he sought out the house surgeon of Temptation Island participants, Diana Gabriëls. Next week, the intake interview will be online. In that, Alex would explain “why he wants a breast reduction.” At least that’s how it’s described by various media. “That’s weird, someone who trains his chest so much and still wants a breast reduction.” A case of hearing the milk sloshing but not knowing where the nipple is. Which in Alex’s case is quite difficult because I think he has ‘sausage nipples,’ according to my daughter. A surgical procedure to remove gyno is not uncommon. Not even among bodybuilders [2]. Strategies to prevent gyno during and after anabolic steroid cycles have been part of the bodybuilder’s handbook for decades [3]. Strategies to inhibit the conversion of large amounts of testosterone or similar hormones into female hormone. This conversion into estradiol (‘aromatase’) can stimulate the glands and thus cause the bitch tits. Which is quite ironic. Medically, the first solution is to normalize the hormone balance. But if you consciously cause that balance yourself to become more muscular, then that’s obviously not an option. If things like aromatase inhibitors are not successful and you still want to proudly stick out your chest, then surgery remains.

Bitch Tits

But as mentioned, you don’t have to be a user of anabolic steroids (or fat, or a teenager) to have man boobs. That’s why I feel sorry for Alex. You’re a muscular ultimate seducer who works hard to become so muscular naturally. After all, you’re a personal trainer, so you want to set a good example. It sucks if you still have bitch tits. Sometimes life just isn’t fair. So, I’m curious about which medical complaints Alex will give for his bitch tits.

Real Men Don’t Do Plastic Surgery

Some may raise their eyebrows if you, as a supposedly tough man, go to a plastic surgeon. I can understand that. That’s for chicks who want a butt but don’t want to squat. On the other hand: Alex says he could be insecure about his appearance and wants to work on it. If you can’t change it in the gym, why not go under the knife? That’s obviously a personal consideration. In any case, it’s nice to see a vulnerable side of Alex instead of the usual ‘I’m gods gift to women’ quotes. It was the first time I could muster a bit of sympathy for the seducer. In the end, we gym fanatics are all delicate insecure souls who overcompensate with a lot of machismo. Often, the most muscular men can be the most insecure. If you ask someone with anorexia if they’ve gained more weight, everyone understands that you’re being foolish. If you ask a bodybuilder if they’ve lost weight, that can have just as big an impact. So, please, let no one start about Alex’s nose.


  1. Venkata Ratnam B. How Important Is “Pseudogynecomastia”? Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. 2011;35(4):668-669. doi:10.1007/s00266-010-9629-0.
  2. Babigian A, Silverman RT. Management of gynecomastia due to use of anabolic steroids in bodybuilders. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2001 Jan;107(1):240-2. PubMed PMID: 11176630.
  3. Friedl KE, Yesalis CE. Self-Treatment of Gynecomastia in Bodybuilders Who Use Anabolic Steroids. Phys Sportsmed. 1989 Mar;17(3):67-79. doi:10.1080/00913847.1989.11709731. PubMed PMID: 27413851.

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