6 Things You Should Never Say to a Bodybuilder

6 Things You Should Never Say to a Bodybuilder

Geschreven door Nathan Albers
Geschatte leestijd: 3 minuten

We bodybuilders are a peculiar people with our own culture. Unfamiliarity with this culture can lead to unpleasant communication breakdowns, so here are 6 things you should never say to a bodybuilder.

6 Things You Should Never Say to a Bodybuilder

1. “Have you lost weight?”

For a bodybuilder, this is not a compliment! The noble art of bodybuilding does not consist of randomly losing body weight; that’s easy. A bodybuilder wants to burn fat and build muscle mass. It’s like being an artist working with clay, scraping a bit off here, adding a bit there to achieve the perfect image. In this analogy, “losing weight” is akin to chopping off the head of the sculpture to fit it into a box for moving. When you ask “Have you lost weight,” a bodybuilder is more likely to be concerned about losing muscle mass rather than seeing it as a compliment on a lower body fat percentage. However, we do like to hear, “Have you gotten leaner?”

2. “Don’t you need to go to the gym tonight?”

Just because I lift heavy things in the gym to look better doesn’t mean I enjoy lifting heavy things. Therefore, I don’t see it as a privilege to “help” you move heavy objects. For instance, while dragging a wardrobe, I would worry about getting a stupid injury while lifting, which would limit my training. Moreover, moving furniture will hardly contribute to my workout results. So, I’d rather not hear the unoriginal and inaccurate “Don’t you need to go to the gym tonight?” I am a show pony, not a workhorse. I train to look strong, not necessarily to be strong. Need help moving? Get a powerlifter.

3. “Is that from a jar?”

No, it’s from three jars: a jar of motivation, a jar of discipline, and a jar of knowledge. It’s about wanting it, doing it, and knowing what to do. A natural bodybuilder, like me, may see the question as a compliment one time and an insult the next. A user feels like all their results are attributed to that jar. An honest user who doesn’t care will also say that it’s not from a jar but from an injection needle.

4. “Bodybuilding? But aren’t those always huge guys?”

As a fitness photographer, I have various clients participating in bodybuilding competitions. Only a few of them fit the stereotypical image of a mass monster. Most of them, however, compete in lighter classes and have a physique that the average Dutch person apparently doesn’t recognize as bodybuilding but requires the same dedication. Essentially, you’re saying, “But aren’t you muscular enough to be a bodybuilder?” and that doesn’t exactly instill confidence when you’re about to enter your first competition.

5. Every sentence with the word “BMI”

The so-called Body Mass Index is fine for normal folks. It judges your weight relative to your height, without distinguishing between body fat or muscle mass. Thus, someone with a higher body fat percentage might have a lower BMI than someone with less fat but more muscle mass. So, if someone thinks your BMI is high, just lift your T-shirt to show your six-pack. “Sorry, BMI what?”

6. “Isn’t that much protein bad for you?”

I could have replaced protein with any random supplement in the above sentence. It’s funny that people who inquire about your diet and training habits often aren’t exactly individuals intensely concerned about their own health. You know, the ones wondering if all those shakes are good for you while holding a cigarette in one hand and a beer in the other. I’ve already written separate articles about the alleged dangers of protein and creatine, showing that the amounts typically used in bodybuilding pose risks only in certain groups (such as those with pre-existing kidney problems).

“Fragile Souls”

Although we bodybuilders are a strange bunch, we are somewhat assimilated and understand the ignorance behind such statements. Due to the lack of body fat and thus not exactly having elephant skin, we are actually very fragile and insecure beings. Nevertheless, we will bear this burden because we understand that we cannot expect the masses to adapt to us. Well, if that’s the price for a dream body…


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