
Big Bad Badr Hari

Geschreven door Nathan Albers

Geschatte leestijd: 3 minutenThe photo he posted on his Facebook page on Tuesday shows a heavily muscled Badr Hari. Speculations about the use of steroids could not be avoided for long.

Badr vs. Rico

On December 10th in Oberhausen, Germany, Badr Hari will be in the ring with reigning Glory heavyweight champion Rico Verhoeven. Badr has challenged Rico several times in the past. When Rico reversed the roles in April by challenging Badr, Badr quickly accepted the challenge.

It’s a fight many are looking forward to. Can Badr repeat the performances of his prime, or is his time definitively over? With such a final question, I’m already angering thousands of his fans. Let alone with the following remarks.

Trump Effect

I was a fan of Badr in his early days. That cooled down quite a bit when he failed to control himself, both inside and outside the ring (think of the “kick after the match” incident with Remy Bonjasky in 2008). A mortal sin for a fighter in my opinion. Especially since Badr was in a unique position to be a fantastic role model for many. Not that his loyal fan base seems to care. They continue to support him regardless of what he does.

Let’s call it the Trump effect.

The fact that he fights for Morocco will only further divide supporters and opponents. Badr recently posted the following comment about the fight on Facebook:

It’s more than just a fight, it’s about the pride of my nation. GLORY COLLISION Dec10

Many Dutch people of Moroccan descent appreciate this, while some native Dutch people think, “But isn’t it the Netherlands where you grew up and were trained as a fighter?” That accusation was already heard in his K1 days, but then it was K1 that often asked Dutch fighters with foreign roots to compete under a different flag. They found it a bit monotonous to see all those Dutch flags in the finals.

Yet I can understand it if he chooses to represent Morocco of his own accord. When Dutch politicians say they want to take away your passport and send you back to Morocco, I can imagine that any feelings of patriotism quickly disappear. As far as they existed. Even if you bring such statements upon yourself with your behavior. Nice chats with the prosecutor and justice won’t improve this.

I think there’s also a reason why he can do little wrong among his fans, especially the Moroccan ones. If you’re a Moroccan youth and feel unwelcome here, it’s easy to be drawn to a champion who “experiences” the same thing. Again, even if he owes this to his own actions. The more Dutch people speak out against Badr, the more fervently his Moroccan fans defend him. For “their” champion, their bad boy.

Armstrong Effect

Does this whole article have anything to do with fitness? Oh yes, the reason he was mentioned in the editorial office. When we saw his photo on his Facebook page in the editorial office this week, unfortunately, the first reaction was:

“Good cycle, Badr!”

Knowing how much effort it takes to build so much muscle mass, we found it very unlikely that this was achieved naturally. Something I’m less concerned about than his behavior in the past. Steroid use in combat sports is nothing new. Besides, the audience loves to see giants fight, as evidenced by the enormous, but often considerably less talented fighters we’ve seen in the ring in the past (remember Bob Sapp?).

Moreover, the same speculations surround his opponent. If everyone cheats, then that’s fair, right? Let’s call it the Armstrong Effect.

However, I do wonder if high testosterone levels are useful for someone with loose hands. You don’t benefit much from that in the ring if you can’t hear the bell anymore.

Sem Schilt Effect

Despite everything, on December 10th, I’ll probably still hope for a win for Badr. That’s difficult to explain after the above. The reason, however, is simple. Bad boys in the ring always provide spectacle. His opponent Rico Verhoeven? Well, he’s good but a bit boring. Just like many of his fights so far. A bit of the Sem Schilt Effect.

Who do I think will win? No idea. What do I know about kickboxing?




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