What is the best way to store an avocado?

What is the best way to store an avocado?

Geschreven door Nathan Albers
Geschatte leestijd: 3 minuten That avocado is popular in the Netherlands is clear: in the past 10 years, we have started eating more than four times as many avocados and rank number 2 on the list of largest avocado importing countries. But how can you best store an avocado? You can read that here.
avocado bewaren

The avocado is popular

According to the Nutrition Center, the popularity of avocado is due to the changing perception of what healthy nutrition is. In the past, bad fats were avoided, and nowadays, there is a more positive view on good fats. These include unsaturated and vegetable fats, which are precisely the fats found in avocado. You can buy avocados all year round in the Netherlands. The most common importing countries are Mexico, Peru, Chile, and South Africa. Because Mexico is primarily the supplier for the United States, the Netherlands imports most avocados from Peru and Chile.

Storing avocado in the cupboard

A ripe and edible avocado is green on the inside and often yields slightly when gently squeezed from the outside. This is often a sign that the avocado is good to eat. If you cut the avocado open from the inside, it is often green as well. If the avocado is slightly softer from the outside, it may also have brown spots inside and often has a bitter taste. That’s why it’s useful to know how long and where you should best store an avocado.

How long is an avocado edible?

The avocado has a short shelf life. The shelf life depends on how ripe it is when you buy it. As described above, a good indication of when the avocado is ripe to eat is when you can gently squeeze it with your finger. If you can gently squeeze the avocado, it is ripe to eat. If the avocado cannot be squeezed, it is not yet ripe to eat. If the avocado is very soft from the outside and you can easily squeeze it with a light finger pressure, the chances are that the avocado is overripe. You can often see this by the discoloration inside that is brown when you cut the avocado open. If you bring home a ripe and good-to-eat avocado, it is often edible for about 4 to 7 days, depending on how ripe it naturally is. The softer the avocado is when purchased, the shorter the shelf life often is. Store the avocado in the pantry at a temperature between 12 and 15 degrees Celsius. If they are not yet ripe, they can continue to ripen until they are edible.

Storing Avocado in the Refrigerator or Freezer

If you want to store the avocado in the refrigerator, you can certainly do so. However, keep in mind that the ripening process does not stop, so store them when you think they are almost edible. You can also freeze the avocados. This way, you always have an avocado at home, and they are also preserved longer. Peel the avocado first and cut it into pieces. Put these pieces in a bowl and add a teaspoon of lemon juice. This way, you always have avocado in stock, and you don’t have to worry about the avocado’s shelf life.

Storing Half an Avocado

There is another way to store an avocado, namely when you have already cut it open. Perhaps you didn’t want a whole avocado because of the high calories in it but only half. To store this, it’s best to leave the pit in. This prevents the flesh from turning brown. You could also add some lemon juice to the flesh. A final tip is to place the avocado in a container with red onion flakes. You take a container and fill it with red onion flakes, then you place the avocado with the peel on top. The gases from the onion prevent oxidation.

How do you know if an avocado is ripe?

You can easily determine if an avocado is ripe. The first method has already been described above, which is to gently press it with your finger. If it gives slightly, then you can assume that the avocado is ripe to eat. If it’s too soft, then the avocado is overripe. Hard avocados are better left aside for a while. Another method is to remove the stem from the top of the avocado. If the area just below the stem is brown, then there’s a good chance that the avocado is brown inside as well. If the area under the stem is green, then the avocado is likely ripe and can be eaten.

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