Fight hangover

Fight hangover

Geschreven door Nathan Albers
Geschatte leestijd: 2 minuten

When you’ve had a rather enjoyable evening with lots of beer, wine, and other alcoholic beverages, you might wake up the next day with a hangover. Headaches, feeling rough, and lack of energy are likely familiar symptoms. What can you do to combat a hangover and get back to feeling fit quickly?

The Hangover

Headaches are one of the characteristic symptoms of a hangover. The headache of a hangover is caused by dehydration. Nausea often accompanies a hangover. This nausea is often due to the smell and flavorings and by-products added during the production of alcoholic beverages. And the stomach pain is a phenomenon that arises due to the irritation of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines by the alcohol.

Perhaps it might be wise to reconsider your alcohol consumption. Various studies have shown that the combination of alcohol and muscle growth is not a match made in heaven.

Combatting the Hangover

Naturally, the best thing you can do is to not drink or drink very little the night before. If you do want to drink, do so in moderation and have a glass of water between each glass. Alcohol dehydrates the body, which is one of the causes of the hangover. By providing your body with plenty of water in between, you maintain your fluid balance.

In addition, your body needs lots of vitamins to break down the alcohol. So, an extra dose of vitamin C and vitamin B6 is highly recommended. Take these not only the day before but also on the day and evening when you’re out having fun. This way, your body can prepare itself for the battle it will have to face that evening (and night).

Finally, a short run outdoors is advisable. If you have excessive headaches and nausea, this is not recommended, but if you have a mild hangover and you want to get the alcohol out of your system, go for a run. This largely alleviates the hangover, and as you sweat, the last traces of alcohol leave your body through sweating.

Hangover and Coffee

One thing you should definitely not do when you have a hangover is drink coffee. The caffeine in coffee has a dehydrating effect. Since dehydration is the main cause of the hangover, it’s not smart to try to combat the hangover with coffee.


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