Fit for a lifetime

Fit for a lifetime

Geschreven door Nathan Albers
Geschatte leestijd: 4 minuten Fit for Life is a method for losing weight and was conceived by Americans Harvey and Marilyn Diamond. The books describing this diet have been sold in large numbers and have helped many people lose weight. The first edition of this book appeared as early as 1985 and quickly became a bestseller in New York. This article describes the different views of this diet, but also highlights the controversy. Many nutritionists do not agree with the philosophy behind the diet. Harvey Diamond struggled with overweight and the often accompanying dissatisfaction with his own figure and physical complaints for years. He actually developed this dietary system for himself, based on natural hygiene. This stands for “a way of eating in which the body can rid itself of its waste products in a good way”. Soon after, Harvey Diamond established himself as a nutritionist (see further) and began treating other people. In this way, he also met his wife, which resulted in a business partnership and marriage.

The rhythm of the body

The Diamonds rely on the natural rhythm of the body. A day is divided into 24 hours. Normally, this means that one gets up at 8 am, has lunch at 12 pm, and goes to bed around midnight. These 24 hours are then divided into three periods. Around 12 pm, the body starts to absorb food. One eats, and the first phase of the digestion process begins. Around 8 pm (when the second meal has already been consumed), the assimilation process begins, meaning that the nutrients are absorbed and used. Around 4 am, the elimination process begins, during which waste products are excreted. Harvey is convinced that when this natural rhythm is followed, one benefits optimally from all the consumed foods and the body is not overloaded. This also means that the breakfast we are familiar with according to Diamond is not good. At 8 am, the body is still busy with the elimination process and needs the energy for that. Instead of a real breakfast, fruit or fruit juice can be chosen in the morning, as this provides some extra energy and helps the body with the cleansing process. The first real meal would then take place around noon (around 12 pm). After 8 pm, it is better not to eat anything anymore, because the body is then busy assimilating all the nutrients.

Other views

Fruit should be fresh and raw and can be eaten in large quantities. However, fruit should be eaten separately. Fruit is quickly absorbed by the body, and when mixed with other foods, this absorption is inhibited. This is not conducive to digestion. Therefore, according to Diamond, fruit is best eaten before a meal (never less than 20-30 minutes before). In the first 3 hours after a meal, it is better not to eat fruit, but to eat it afterwards. This may sound extreme, but it also fits in with the rules of naturopathy (alternative medicine). According to the Diamonds, our food should be tailored to the fact that our body consists of about 70 percent water. Thus, food should consist of 70 percent water, such as vegetables and fruit, and 30 percent concentrated foods such as meat, fish (and dairy), bread, other grains, potatoes, legumes, and soy products. Another rule is that carbohydrates and proteins should not be combined in one meal, and meat should not be combined with dairy. This is practically difficult to achieve. Many products contain both carbohydrates and proteins. A mammal in the wild eats only one nutrient at a time. For example, meat or a certain plant. Harvey assumes that this is basically the best for humans as well. The idea behind this is that meat digests in a different environment than starch, which affects gastric juices and one of the nutrients will be digested less well. However, starchy foods or protein-rich foods may be combined with vegetables. So, one can eat meat with a salad, or potatoes with a salad. It is also better not to drink during a meal because water dilutes the digestive juices, disrupting the digestion process. According to Harvey Diamond, dairy products have only limited value and should therefore not be eaten or only occasionally. Something else that clashes with naturopathy is that for this diet, regular supermarket products are fine. It’s not about organic food or, for example, a meatless diet. This may be what makes the diet so appealing to many people. Especially because everyone can try it, and the costs do not have to be high because products do not need to be purchased at special stores. Naturopathy is based on preserving the original quality of food.


There is much to say about this diet. On the one hand, it has helped many people achieve a better diet. Partly because this diet prefers fresh raw vegetables and fruits. In the poor diet of many Americans, this change alone can lead to significant weight loss in many people, with accompanying positive effects on health. In addition, it is good to take into account the rhythm of the body, although many nutritionists think that this rhythm does not need to be as strict as the Diamond method prescribes. Another criticism of the Diamond method is that it does not pay attention to the biological nature of food. In addition, the separation of carbohydrates and proteins is practically impossible. Bread, like many other products, contains both carbohydrates and proteins. Dairy products are discouraged, but these products contain a lot of calcium, which means that many people who follow this diet may not get enough calcium. The role of breakfast is also controversial. Whereas in traditional diets breakfast plays an important, if not the most important, role, its value is doubted by the Diamonds. In addition, carbohydrates and proteins are broken down to a large extent in different places in the body. Thus, the body does not have to provide a purely basic or acidic environment. Yet separating carbohydrates and proteins can promote metabolism because the digestion of two nutrients always takes more time than just one nutrient. Finally, Harvey Diamond’s reputation is also controversial. A quick look at Wiki reveals that he obtained his doctoral degree from The American College of Life Science. An unaccredited institution founded by a high school dropout. Objections from the medical world mainly concern the fact that the Fit for Life diet is peppered with alternative medicine for which there is no scientific basis.


The Diamond method has helped many people lose weight. The emphasis in the diet is mainly on balancing nutrition with the body’s rhythm. The diet pattern also focuses mainly on eating raw vegetables and fruits, which naturally leads to positive changes in many people with a poor diet. Some views of this diet do not correspond to views of naturopathy, such as separating carbohydrates and proteins in a meal. In addition, this diet is also not aimed at organic food, but products that can be bought at the supermarket. On the other hand, this may have helped many people because it is possible for many people to try this diet.

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