Drinking enough water and why it’s important

Drinking enough water and why it’s important

Geschreven door Nathan Albers

Geschatte leestijd: 3 minuten

The Importance of Drinking Water for Fat Burning

The importance of drinking water is often associated with fat burning. But besides playing a significant role in fat burning, it also has other important functions. Fluid is used in every metabolic process in the body. An example of this is protein synthesis. During this process, also known as protein synthesis, the body uses proteins, which are then broken down into individual amino acids, which are then transported to the muscles and cells where they can be used to promote muscle growth. In this article, we’ll explore the importance of H2O in the human body.

Water Drinking

Table of Contents

Water Drinking for Fat Burning

As mentioned in the opening of this article, water plays a crucial role in fat burning. If the body does not have sufficient access to fluid, it affects the functioning of several organs. For example, the kidneys cannot function properly, and the liver takes over this role in part. After all, the liver plays a crucial role in fat burning, in the metabolic process. If the liver has to assist the kidneys, it can burn less fat.

Another example of how fluid can contribute to fat burning has nothing to do with the functioning of the organs. But when you drink water before a meal, you feel satisfied sooner. This prevents you from eating more than your body needs. It is factually incorrect to state that water contributes to fat burning, but it can help with weight loss or weight maintenance.


Another important role of adequate fluid in the human body is its role in digestion. When your calorie intake is high, your organs are more active than when your calorie intake is lower. Therefore, they need more fluid to function properly. That is why sufficient water is incredibly important for good digestion.


Water plays a crucial role when using supplements such as creatine, protein, or multivitamins. When using creatine, muscle cells absorb more fluid. As a result, the muscles often appear larger immediately. If you use other supplements, they are often dissolved in water, and absorption is also better with sufficient fluid. By the way, try to drink enough before you start feeling thirsty. Becoming thirsty is a sign that your body is lacking in fluid, and the body may already start functioning less well.


It goes without saying that water will also leave the body. This largely happens through the pores, when you sweat, or through urine. The fluid leaving the body also contains toxins and other waste products that you do not need. It also ensures that an excess of specific substances leaves the body. For example, if you have a multivitamin with an excessive dose, a large part of this multivitamin will leave the body through your urine.

Water Retention

Another property of fluid in the body comes into play when you have a higher salt intake. Because you consume more salt, the body will react to this and retain more fluid. To prevent this, you can limit your salt intake, but you can also increase your water intake. The salt will then leave the body more quickly through urine and pores, reducing fluid retention. This is a phenomenon that is undesirable for athletes who want to stand on stage with their bodies, such as bodybuilders and fitness models.

How Much Water Should You Drink

Above, you have read about the benefits of sufficient H2O. However, this does not mean that you can absorb an unlimited amount of fluid. There is a possible excess of everything, including water. A situation that can arise as a result is water intoxication. This phenomenon occurs when you take in too much fluid and too few electrolytes. An excess of water can lead to epileptic seizures, dizziness, bloating, nausea, vomiting, and there are cases known where it can lead to death. For example, in 2005, a student almost died from drinking too much water. This was part of his initiation within a student association.

So how much water should you drink? A rule of thumb is 0.05 liters per dry body weight. If you adhere to this rule, your fluid intake increases as you gain weight and decreases as your weight decreases.


The importance of sufficient water in the body is clear. It is what a large part of human cells are made of. Furthermore, it is a transporter in our body, transporting all important nutrients to the cells in the body. In addition, water removes all waste products from the body, via urine, pores, or through the lungs. It also regulates temperature. If you produce a lot of heat because you exercise, the fluid helps cool you down by dissipating heat through sweating.

However, excessive fluid intake is also not good. Too much water can lead to water intoxication.


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