Variety and Training

Variety and Training

Geschreven door Nathan Albers
Geschatte leestijd: 2 minuten

When you have been active with a fitness schedule for some time, there is a chance that your muscles and body will become accustomed to the training. This is a normal phenomenon that occurs in all sports, whether it’s strength training, bodybuilding, or endurance training. If you continuously perform the same exercises with the same intensity, you are essentially training the same muscles in the same movement. Training your body can be done in different ways, and thus, variation is essential. Below, we mention some possibilities for variation.

Variatie en Training


Intensity is the most important variation possibility to break through the path to growth. Intensity is not the weight you train with but the degree to which your muscles can exert themselves at that moment when performing an exercise. A complete training philosophy is based on this, namely HIT Training. HIT stands for High Intensity Training. The difference with HIT Training is that you perform the exercises slowly. You perform the exercise upward in 2 seconds and downward in 4 seconds. This increases the intensity and the load on your muscles, resulting in larger and stronger muscles.


Many people in the gym think that the weight you use for your fitness exercises weighs the most in the result. Logically, because the big bodybuilders train with heavy weights. However, this is not entirely true. By training with moderately heavy or light weights, you ensure that your muscles become significantly stronger in terms of endurance. Because with heavy weights, you only perform 6 to 8 repetitions, performing 10 to 15 repetitions is a different strain on your muscles. In addition to endurance, training with light weights is very good for better muscle definition.


When you use the same exercises from your training schedule in every workout, it means that you are loading the muscles in the same way with each exercise. Your body can also become accustomed to this, which can lead to reaching a plateau. Therefore, varying exercises is the solution. If you’re bench pressing for every chest exercise, vary it with chest press or dumbbell flyes. Do you do a lot of bicep curls for your arms? Alternate them with hammer curls. This way, you train each muscle group in a different way through variation, variation, and variation!


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