Step-by-step plan for dry training

Step-by-step plan for dry training

Geschreven door Nathan Albers

Geschatte leestijd: 2 minutenFor most men who come to the gym, it’s all about: slimming down, getting lean, burning fat, building definition, cutting or in other words: getting ripped! These are all different terms to describe the goal of all these men who come to the gym. What matters: showing off your muscles.

How to Get Lean?

The most common question that is not easy to answer right away is: how do you get lean? To better show off your muscles, a large part depends on your build and your predisposition. Some people naturally have a higher body fat percentage than others, so for those with a higher body fat percentage, it’s harder to get lean than for others. On the other hand, it’s easier for people with a higher body fat percentage to bulk up, or in other words, gain mainly muscle mass.

Before you get started, you need to know what your body fat percentage is. After all, that’s how you can measure if you’re on the right track. Do you want to measure your body fat percentage without using complicated tables? There are body fat percentage meters that work like skinfold measurements but do the calculation for you.

Dry Training Plan

Let’s start with how not to do it. Dry training does not mean starving yourself. Although much of your diet and nutrition depends on when you want to start dry training, it is not advisable to starve yourself. This way, your body doesn’t get enough fuel and building materials, and your body will shrink in volume overall. So not only does your body fat percentage decrease, but so does your amount of muscle mass!

Dry Training Diet

In practice, your diet is the most important factor for targeted dry training. To really get ripped, about 70% is the effort for your diet, 20% a good workout, 5% psychological, to resist snacks, and 5% pure determination.

Dry Training Cardio Training

When you want to start dry training, unfortunately, it’s not possible to avoid cardio training. It’s important that cardio training doesn’t dominate your training schedule. So, in practice, it’s best to do a cardio workout twice a week for half an hour AFTER your fitness workout. Because you’ve already burned part of your reserves during your fitness workout, doing cardio training after your fitness workout is best because you’ll immediately tap into your fat reserves. Make sure to do your cardio training at 65% or 70% of your maximum heart rate.


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