Ryan Reynolds workout

Ryan Reynolds workout

Geschreven door Nathan Albers

Geschatte leestijd: 2 minuten

The originally Canadian actor Ryan Reynolds became known for his physique in the movie Blade 2. In this film, you saw how Reynolds was completely ripped with a very impressive and symmetrical six-pack. Below, you can read about how he had to train and eat for this role.

Ryan Reynolds Training Schedule

The transformation Ryan Reynolds achieved in terms of physique came from a good training schedule and balanced nutrition plan. After all, he broke through in the movie Van Wilder, where he played the uber student, with the physique of a tall, lanky student. Later, for the movie Blade, he gained 10kg of dry muscle mass, and his body fat percentage went from 11% to 6%. Here’s how he did it for the Blade movie:

  1. Start with your ab training
    Ryan Reynolds has an impressive six-pack. There were even rumors that he had ab implants. Reynolds starts all his workouts by training his abs. This helped him as his warm-up. He did between 500 – 1000 sit-ups. Reynolds admitted that his lower abs were the hardest to develop. What he did was hold a ball between his legs and lift the ball up and down with himself as an anchor. He did the same with a 7kg dumbbell between his feet and trained his legs elevated above the ground.
  2. Heavy weights for bulking
    Reynolds trained a lot with heavy weights and went heavy bulking to first build muscle mass. This was the typical set of 8 – 12 reps to grow.
  3. Six days a week and one muscle group per day
    He trained six days a week, dedicating one muscle group to each day. So, he had one day for chest, back, shoulders, legs, and arms.

Ryan Reynolds Nutrition Plan

After Blade, Reynolds didn’t train as heavily to maintain his physique. He lost about 5kg. However, he still trains four to five times a week, and Ryan Reynolds’ abs are still the best six-pack in Hollywood. Besides a good training schedule, nutrition has played an important role in shaping Ryan Reynolds’ body.

  1. Eat more smaller meals
    Because Reynolds had to gain mass, he switched from 3 meals a day to 6 meals a day. He ate 6 small meals every 2 to 3 hours. By doing this, his body received exactly enough and didn’t store fat.
  2. Cook homemade meals
    Ryan Reynolds cooked his own meals and prepared food in advance. For example, he prepared Irish oatmeal and froze it to eat later.
  3. Take a dietary supplement
    Reynolds used: creatine, protein, L-glutamine, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), whey, and multivitamins.
  4. Diet Menu
    Breakfast: 1/2 cup of egg whites, 1 cup of sugar-free oatmeal, some ‘good’ fats, such as a spoonful of almond butter or avocado slice.
    Mid-morning snack: protein bar
    Lunch: white tuna wrap or chicken and salad
    Mid-afternoon snack: protein bar, protein shake (whey and water), or apple and almonds
    Dinner: roasted fish or chicken, brown rice, vegetables, and salad
    Evening Snack: protein shake

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