Reverse Pyramid Training

Reverse Pyramid Training

Geschreven door Nathan Albers
Geschatte leestijd: 4 minuten

Reverse Pyramid Training, also known as the inverted Pyramid Training, involves reversing the conventional way of building muscles. Instead of starting the first set with the lightest weight and doing ten repetitions, you reverse the order and start the first set with the heaviest weight with which you can perform at least six repetitions, if your goal is to increase your strength and muscle mass.

In each subsequent set, you use less weight, following the ‘inverted pyramid’ and increase the number of repetitions. The system is therefore contrary to what others normally do.

The Reverse Pyramid Training

Important: When using the Reverse Pyramid System, make sure you are properly warmed up before starting the first set.

This is probably the most energy-efficient and growth-stimulating system out there. It has been around for a while, but few people know how to fully exploit it.

To achieve maximum results in the minimum amount of time, you must:

  1. Shorten your training time and make it more efficient and productive
  2. Expand your knowledge of recovery and sports nutrition, including your knowledge of supplements
  3. Learn how to train hard, not long

Reverse Pyramid Training is not only for beginners and somewhat advanced athletes but also for experienced athletes, regardless of your health goal, fitness goal, or professional goal.

Building the greatest amount of strength

The amount of strength a muscle can generate is proportional to the amount of muscle growth you can achieve; in other words, the stronger a muscle is, the more muscle mass will be built.

We define strength as the maximum amount of pressure you can exert with a single contraction. You can define that pressure as the mass (the weight you use) multiplied by the speed at which you press that weight against a resistance (in this case, gravity).

To generate more pressure, you need to gradually increase the weight and you need to train in an explosive and powerful manner. You even increase your speed in the second half of the repetition (where you often get stuck with heavy weight).

Training heavily for the shortest possible time, stimulating the most muscle fibers, is what it’s all about. You can generate the greatest pressure with your muscles when you are still fresh, so during the first set of each exercise you do. If one set counts, then it’s the first one, and that’s the most important.

Adapting the Reverse Pyramid to your goal

The 6, 8, 10 Reverse Pyramid repetition system is good for increasing your strength and muscle mass while maintaining fat (as is usually the case when training for mass). However, you can also adjust the repetitions to better suit your fitness goals and sports-specific goals.

Suppose you want to build muscle mass and also lose some body fat. For this, you can increase the repetitions to 8, 10, and 12, keeping the intensity high by resting only 30 to 60 seconds between sets. You won’t really lose much weight here, but every little bit helps!

For strength training (designed for a weight someone wants to be able to lift at a certain moment or for certain sports), you can use a repetition buildup of 4, 6, 8.

For regular weight training where you want to lose fat and maintain muscle mass, you can use 10, 12, 14.

Everyone can benefit from using the Reverse Pyramid System. It all depends on how you use it, which depends on your own goals.

In addition to adapting the system to achieve your goals, you can also adjust the system to your energy level or – most importantly – to the time you have to train. There are those days when your energy level is low and your motivation isn’t quite there. It’s better not to do three intense sets but to choose to do one super-intensive set instead. It’s better to go all out on one set than to pack up and go home. The number of repetitions for that set should not be higher than 8 repetitions for most exercises.

You can use your own training techniques to increase intensity so that your set becomes heavier and more difficult with each repetition. Always remember that the first set of each exercise is the most important. If one set counts, then it’s this one!

Training factors for different levels and goals

Level/Experience Beginner (0 – 6 months) Intermediate (6 – 18 months) Experienced (from 1.5 years)
Sets Per Muscle Group Per Training 4 (major), 3 (minor) 6 (major), 5 (minor) 12 (major), 10 (minor)
Training Frequency 3 times per week with each muscle group trained 3 times per week 4 times per week with each muscle group trained twice per week 5 to 6 times per week with each muscle group trained once per week
Number of Repetitions Muscle growth: 8-10-12
Muscle growth and fat loss: 10-12-15
Fat loss: 14-16-18
Strength and muscle growth: 6-8-10
Muscle growth: 8-10-12
Muscle growth and fat loss: 10-12-15
Fat loss: 14-16-18
Maximum strength: 4-6-8
Strength and muscle growth: 6-8-10
Muscle growth: 8-10-12
Muscle growth and fat loss: 10-12-15
Fat loss: 14-16-18
Rest Between Sets 90 seconds to 2 minutes 60 to 90 seconds 30 to 60 seconds
Contraction Speed Slow and steady 4-second rule: 2 seconds up, 2 seconds down Explosive for strength, 4-second rule for muscle growth, continuous speed for fat loss
Rest Between Muscle Groups 48 hours to allow the nervous system to recover 3 to 4 days to allow the muscle system to recover 3 to 4 days to allow both the nervous system and the muscle system to recover
Types of Training 3 days per week, full body 4 days split, 3 days split, circuit training 3 days split, circuit, 4 days split, 2 on 1 off, etc.

The psychology and physiology behind the Reverse Pyramid System

Your first set will be heavy and challenging no matter what. However, you are fresh and able to use all your muscle fibers and energy to blast the weight up. Because your energy is highest for that first set, you’ll be stronger than if you were to use the same weight for your last set as is usual in normal pyramid training.

That’s not psychology but it is the physiology behind the system.

The psychology behind the system is that it’s easier to go down than up. Not only will the weight seem lighter, but it will be lighter. The subsequent sets will feel like you’re bouncing on a trampoline because your muscles have already experienced the heaviest pressure.

Whatever comes after that first set, your muscles are ready for it! Every set where the weight is reduced is like a cooldown but just as intense. It’s refreshing to know that your last set is your last chance to tap into all muscle fibers to grow!


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