Power plate: Vibration training and strength

Power plate: Vibration training and strength

Geschreven door Nathan Albers
Geschatte leestijd: 6 minuten

In a previous article, we explained the theoretical functioning of the Power Plate using vibration plates, or “powerplates”. In this article, we delve into the research on the effect of vibration training on strength and speed.

Strength through Vibration Training

Researchers from New Zealand [1] refer to five studies on the long-term effects of vibration training on strength in trained subjects [2-6]. This is important because many studies on vibration training focus on untrained, older subjects and therefore may not be relevant to most readers here. Three out of the five studies consulted showed a significant increase in strength compared to the control group [2,3,4]. The other two studies did not show this increase [5,6]. Not really a clear result, so let’s dive into the studies themselves.

One of the studies that did not show a significant difference, that of Delecluse and colleagues, had quite a few limitations [5]. Firstly, it compared two groups of sprinters, one group only did sprint training while the other supplemented this sprint training with vibration training. There was therefore a difference in the amount of training both groups did. A difference in result could then be explained by the amount of training and may not necessarily be caused by the type of training. Nevertheless, this difference did result in more strength for the group that did vibration training, but this increase in strength was not statistically significant (could therefore be caused by chance). Another limitation of the study is that the increase in strength was measured by doing leg extensions while training with squats. This could give a distorted view of the strength increase [7].

The other study that did not show added value was that of Owen and colleagues [6]. This study is interesting because of the subjects; trained professional American Football players with extensive experience in strength training. However, their squat strength did not increase compared to the control group by squatting on a vibration plate. However, this study also has limitations. The individual differences among subjects in the same group were very large. Another problem was that the study was conducted during the competition season. So, besides the (only) two research sessions per week, they trained and played as usual. This could mean that the players in the group that did not do vibration training compensated for this by getting more playing time, for example.

So, the two studies that did not show added value had their limitations. Unfortunately, there’s also something to be said about the studies that did see a positive effect. Like the study by Ronnestad and colleagues [4]. These were also trained subjects. In this study, the subjects did not perform leg training outside of the research to minimize the influence on the results. A better setup for the study. However, the results were not particularly convincing. Depending on the statistical analysis applied to the data, the increase in strength due to vibration training can be considered significant or not. According to this study, it can be at most small to modest.

So, almost every study has something to remark on. The researchers from New Zealand therefore note that there is “some evidence that vibration training can improve the strength of athletes”, but more thorough research needs to be conducted to confirm this.

Explosive Strength

In English, the terms strength and power are often used to refer to two different things. We just discussed “strength,” which is about how much resistance you can oppose to a certain load. For example, when considering “strength,” you might look at the maximum weight you can bench press, often expressed in 1RM (one repetition maximum). “Power,” on the other hand, looks not only at the weight you can move but also at the speed at which you do it. For example, by measuring with force plates. In Dutch, this “power” translates best to “explosive strength.”

Once again, five studies are cited to provide insight into the effect of vibration training, this time on explosive strength. However, four of these studies are the same as those on “strength” and therefore have limitations [2,4,5,6]. This is unfortunately even more true for the fifth study by Bosco and colleagues [8]. In this study, volleyball players and water polo players (yes, that’s a word) were divided into the test and control groups without ensuring that this distribution was equal. So, it’s possible that one group had many more volleyball players while the other group had more water polo players. Power testing was done by looking at jump height. You can imagine that volleyball players, who constantly jump, have more jump power than water polo players whose feet don’t even touch the ground during training.

However, when we look at the four other studies that have fewer limitations, we can at least see that all of them demonstrate (modest) added value for vibration training.

…it may be that WBV training can enhance an athlete’s power. Because jumping is a movement that naturally occurs in many sports, these changes in jump height seem to be a valid measure of athletic performance and leg power.

Wilcock, Ian M. Auckland University of Technology

Vibration Plate Type

It’s good to know that there are several types of vibration plates. The two most common types are linear and pivotal vibration plates. Linear vibration plates, also called vertical platforms, move up and down. Pivotal, or oscillating, vibration plates have a rocking action where one side goes up while the other goes down, and vice versa.

Manufacturers of both types claim that their method is the best. Both can use the same arguments for this. The movement of one or the other would be “more natural.” However, unless you live in Groningen, the vibrations of vibration plates seem anything but natural to me (okay, they’re not actually natural in Groningen either).

If we limit ourselves to the effect on strength, research seems to show that linear/vertical vibration plates are more efficient than pivotal ones [9,10]. This was shown, among other things, in a meta-analysis by Spanish researchers [9]:

The first moderator of the treatment effect of vibration on power development is the type of vibration platform used. Differences were noted in both acute and chronic changes in power when vertical vibration platforms are compared with oscillating platforms. Vertical platforms elicit a significantly larger treatment effect for chronic adaptations (ES = .99) as compared with oscillating platforms (ES = .36).

P. Marin, European University Miguel de Cervantes


I have omitted the therapeutic applications for older and less mobile people and focused on the added value for experienced strength athletes like the average gym-goer who wants a more muscular body.

For this group, a significant added value of a vibration plate for strength development does not seem convincingly demonstrated. Looking at the practical side, it doesn’t seem personally worth it to suddenly stand in line for the power plate instead of the squat rack. Besides, personally, I still have the problem that I associate vibration plates too much with older women who just find it an easy form of training to stand on such a thing for a few minutes and then go home feeling satisfied.

To be Continued: Vibration Plates and Fat Burning

In the third and final part about vibration plates, I will specifically address the effect of vibration training on fat burning.


  1. Wilcock, Ian M; Whatman, Chris; Harris, Nigel; Keogh, Justin WL. Vibration Training: Could It Enhance the Strength, Power, or Speed of Athletes?Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. Issue: Volume 23(2), March 2009, pp 593-603
  2. Fagnani, F, Giombini, A, Di Cesare, A, Pigozzi, F, and Di Salvo, V. The effects of a whole-body vibration program on muscle performance and flexibility in female athletes. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 85: 956-962, 2006.
  3. Issurin, VB, Liebermann, DG, and Tenenbaum, G. Effect of vibratory stimulation training on maximal force and flexibility. J Sports Sci 12: 561-566, 1994.
  4. Ronnestad, BR. Comparing the performance-enhancing effects of squats on a vibration plate with conventional squats in recreational resistance-trained men. J Strength Cond Res 18: 839-845, 2004.
  5. Delecluse, C, Roelants, M, Diels, R, Koninckx, E, and Verschueren, S. Effects of whole body vibration training on muscle strength and sprint performance in sprint-trained athletes. Int J Sports Med 26: 662-668, 2005.
  6. Owen, GJ. The influence of whole body vibration on knee extensor stiffness and functional performance. Master’s thesis, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand, 2004.
  7. Abernethy, P, Wilson, GJ, and Logan, P. Strength and power assessment: issues, controversies and challenges. Sports Med 19: 402-417, 1995.
  8. Bosco, C, Cardinale, M, Tsarpela, O, Colli, R, Tihanyi, J, Von Duvillard, S, and Viru, A. The influence of whole body vibration on jumping performance. Biol Sport15: 157-164, 1998
  9. Marín PJ, Rhea MR. Effects of vibration training on muscle power: a meta-analysis. J Strength Cond Res. 2010 Mar;24(3):871-8. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0b013e3181c7c6f0. PubMed PMID: 20145554.
  10. Abercromby, AF; Amonette, WE; Layne, CS; McFarlin, BK; Hinman, MR; Paloski, WH (2007). “Vibration exposure and biodynamic responses during whole-body vibration training.”. Medicine and science in sports and exercise 39 (10): 1794–800.

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