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Les Mills Body Balance: calories, balance and muscle strength

Les Mills Body Balance: calories, balance and muscle strength

Geschreven door Nathan Albers
Geschatte leestijd: 4 minuten

One of the most calming Les Mills classes is definitely Body Balance. This group class is a combination of pilates with yoga and tai chi, helping you build strength and improve flexibility. The combination of coordination, concentration, and balance makes Body Balance challenging and a lot of fun.

The exercises need to be performed very slowly and well-coordinated, and it’s important to focus on breathing. The result of a Body Balance class is that you feel very calm and peaceful afterwards, but the intensive exercises provide a good workout for your muscles in terms of strength and flexibility.

What is Body Balance

If you want to relax from all the daily stress and hustle, Body Balance is a very good solution. As indicated, the class is a combination of, among other things, pilates, yoga, and tai chi. The class lasts about 55 minutes and is taught in a group setting. Characteristic of the classes is the musical support, which contributes to the choreography and the mood. Because many exercises are performed slowly, the class is quite intense for the muscles, and you can expect quite a bit of muscle soreness after the first classes, especially in the abdominal muscles, as they contribute to the stabilization of the body. In addition to the muscles, flexibility is also improved during Body Balance. Finally, through gentle breathing, you completely relax and achieve physical and mental balance.

Body Balance Exercises

Body Balance classes consist of various disciplines originating from the Far East. Each class consists of 45 minutes of exertion and the final 10 minutes of relaxation, which may include meditation. Body Balance exercises can range from very simple to quite intense. The class begins with clearing your mind so that you can completely relax. This is often done by performing a series of exercises very slowly. Then comes a series of yoga elements such as the sun salutation.

Tai Chi Warming Up

The literal translation of Tai Chi is Ultimate Fist. This name comes from Chinese Martial Arts. During Body Balance, you start with a Tai Chi warm-up to help you leave the daily hustle behind. The Tai Chi Warm-up often consists of a series of simple, flowing movements. While clearing your mind, you also raise your body temperature.

Sun Salutation

After the Tai Chi Warm-up, you continue to warm up your body by doing the sun salutation. The sun salutation is one of the most well-known exercises in yoga or power yoga and also originates from the Far East. The Sun Salutation, also known as Surya Namaskara, is originally a morning ritual, a salute to the rising sun bringing its energy to the earth. This exercise is quite simple to do, even if you have no experience with Body Balance.

You stand facing the direction where the sun rises. Stretch your arms above your head and take a deep breath in. Bend forward and exhale deeply. Then move your left foot back, keeping your right foot between your hands. Then bring your right foot back as well. Hold your breath and slowly lower yourself. Then inhale and bring your upper body up. Exhale and bring your hips off the ground. This way, your body forms a triangle.

Warrior Pose

During the class, several yoga elements such as warrior and triangle poses are included. The Warrior Pose also has its origins in Chinese Martial Arts.

  1. Stand upright with your legs wide apart at a distance of at least 3-4 meters.
  2. Place your right foot at 90 degrees and left foot in with about 15 degrees.
  3. Raise both arms sideways at shoulder height with your palms facing up, parallel to the ground.
  4. Exhale and bend your right knee.
  5. Turn your head and look to the right.
  6. Stretch your arms further.
  7. Push your pelvis down. Keep breathing as you go down.
  8. Exhale, bring your hands down along the sides.
  9. Repeat the yoga posture for the left side (place your left foot at 90 degrees and turn the right foot in with about 15 degrees).

Balance and Muscle Strength

After the Tai Chi warm-up and the yoga elements, your body is warmed up, and now balance and muscle strength are targeted. Because you have to perform many different types of exercises with extra attention to concentration and focus, a Body Balance class places a lot of demand on your balance and muscle strength. Especially during the balance poses, you’ll feel the burn.

Core Training

With Tai Chi and Yoga, you may not quickly associate them with the abdominal muscles and the core. However, these elements are essential if you want to train your core properly. When performing the exercises, the muscles in your abdominal and lower back ensure that you remain balanced, making Body Balance a very effective exercise for the abdominal muscles.


After completing the various exercises, the last 10 minutes are used to completely relax. This is often done through meditation to bring your body and mind into balance. The last few minutes provide you with the mental and psychological benefits of meditation and enhance the effects of the class you have just completed. Like the warm-up, meditation also pays a lot of attention to breathing.

Body Balance Benefits

  • Bring body and mind to rest
  • Improve your breathing and condition
  • Reduce stress and restlessness
  • Lower your stress level
  • Train your abdominal muscles
  • Develop muscle strength and flexibility

Weight Loss with Body Balance

Many people who start with Body Balance notice an increase in endurance, muscle strength, and peace after a few classes. One of the first muscles where participants notice the effects of Body Balance are the abdominal muscles. This greatly improves posture in daily life due to stronger core muscles. Additionally, many complaints such as headaches and migraines decrease because the neck muscles and shoulder muscles are relaxed.


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