Jessica Biel workout

Jessica Biel workout

Geschreven door Nathan Albers
Geschatte leestijd: 2 minuten

Jessica Biel (Ely, Minnesota, March 3, 1982) is an American actress. Biel grew up in Boulder, Colorado. She began her career as a musical actress/singer before she was 12 years old. At the age of twelve, she made the transition to teenage modeling.

Jessica Biel
Jessica Biel started her career as a singer before she was 12 years old.

Jessica Biel biography

Less than two years later, this resulted in the role of Mary Camden in the popular family series 7th Heaven, with which she gained international fame. The series was an immediate success, and during the season, she also received offers to act in films. The first one she made was Ulee’s Gold, starring Peter Fonda. Despite the success of the first film, she only appeared in two other films until her departure from 7th Heaven in 2002; afterwards, she starred in more films.

Jessica Biel Training

Jessica Biel is known for her fantastic physique. She achieves this by performing three fitness components in her training. Cardio Interval Training, according to the HIIT method. HIIT stands for High-Intensity Interval Training and is the best way to reduce body fat, being much more effective than aerobics. Jessica jogs 1 kilometer and then does 6 sprints with short breaks in between. She does 2 sets of 200-meter sprints, 2 sets of 150-meter sprints, and finally 2 sets of 100-meter sprints. Plyometrics, these are quick explosive exercises that improve the function of the nervous system and increase alertness and athletic performance. These exercises also function as HIIT. Strength training. Jessica Biel does a circuit training mainly based on strength training, but to avoid looking too muscular, she mainly trains with light weights and does many reps. Because she does this and stays in constant motion, this workout also serves as cardio training for fat burning. A fixed part of her training to work her abs includes hanging leg raises and Russian Twists.

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