James Franco workout

James Franco workout

Geschreven door Nathan Albers
Geschatte leestijd: 2 minuten

Actor James Franco was born in 1978 in Palo Alto, California. He is mainly known for his role in the Spiderman Trilogy, where he plays the role of Harry Osborn, the good friend of Peter Parker.

James Franco
James Franco is indispensable in the world of Hollywood
Later, he appeared in multiple films and had roles in, among others: Milk, Flyboys, Date Night, and Planet of the Apes. In his career, he has been nominated for a Golden Globe Award 3 times and has won 1. Additionally, he has been nominated for an Academy Award for his role in the film 127 Hours. For many films, James Franco needs to be in good shape. It’s time to highlight his schedule.

James Franco Training Schedule

James Franco is indispensable in the world of Hollywood. James Franco is not only an actor, but he is also active as a writer and director and dabbles as a model. For the latter, it is important that he keeps his body in shape. He mainly does this by boxing and high-intensity cardio training.

Intense Boxing

James is naturally an outdoor enthusiast and enjoys fitness. For his work as a model and actor, he needs to keep his body in shape, which he does through boxing. He also boxes with boxing legend Macka Foley, who trains many other actors. Because James is naturally an ectomorph, he had a lot of trouble gaining muscle mass at the beginning. However, with the intensive training and nutritional advice he received from Foley, this changed quickly. Many of the exercises in James Franco’s schedule include: push-ups, double unders with jump rope, crunches, and of course, boxing on the punching bag.

Rapid Heart Rate

Franco stays in top condition by also doing enough cardio training alongside his boxing activities. Take, for example, the following workout as a basis:


His warm-up looks like this: Jog three kilometers, stretch, and cool down.


  • Do 5 sets of 500-meter sprints without walking in between.
  • For each 500 meters, run at the following intensities:
  • 100 meters at 15% of your maximum speed
  • 100 meters at 50% of your maximum speed
  • 200 meters at 75% of your maximum speed

Jumping Drills

Do jumping drills for 50 meters, rest for 15 seconds, and repeat this 15 times.

Strength Training

To complement the cardiovascular part, also perform intensive strength training. Perform interval jumps of 5 meters, 10 meters, 15 meters, and finally another 20 meters. When you’ve completed the distances, touch the ground. Repeat this 15 times.

Cooling Down

Finally, end with a cooling down, where you walk 1 kilometer slowly and do a few leg stretching exercises at the end.

Tight Diet – White Meat

No matter how hard you train – 80% of your body shape is determined by your diet. Franco is also very aware of this and pays great attention to his eating style. His motto: only white meat. The advantage of white meat is that it is easier to digest and does not cause bloating. White meat includes anything that looks white, such as chicken, turkey, or the occasional white fish. Tip: Only eat what can run or fly quickly – ever seen a lean cow sprint? Franco ensures he gets enough protein by also eating eggs and even peanut butter. Always in moderation, of course.

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