HIIT – High Intensity Interval Training

HIIT – High Intensity Interval Training

Geschreven door Nathan Albers
Geschatte leestijd: 2 minuten

High intensity with short duration has become very popular in recent years. The most effective way to practice cardio training is High Intensity Interval Training, also known as HIIT.

HIIT - High Intensity Interval Training

High Intensity Interval Training

HIIT offers the opportunity to alternate high intensity with short periods of moderate intensity. Although HIIT is very popular and successful, many people still doubt its effectiveness. The idea that HIIT burns a lot of calories stored as glycogen in the muscles and not from the fat cells is the reason for this.

To a large extent, this is true, but the idea is also somewhat limited. Fat burning occurs when lipolysis occurs. Lipolysis occurs when energy expenditure exceeds calorie intake. The most important thing during cardio training is to burn enough calories to create this difference. This difference can be achieved in a much shorter time with high intensity.

Although the primary energy source in HIIT is the glycogen stores in the muscles, fat burning will be better with HIIT. Studies have shown that fat burning with HIIT is much faster than with the old training technique, LISS. This is mainly because the body is engaged in fat burning after HIIT training. So you burn fat not only during but also after your workout.

Low Intensity Steady State

LISS stands for Low Intensity Steady State cardio training. This is the form of cardio training where you are active at a low pace for a relatively long period. This is commonly seen in the gym, on the treadmill, elliptical trainer, or bike where many people are working out at a slow pace and can also hold a conversation. It is based on the idea that after 30 minutes, your glycogen stores are depleted and only then you start using fat cells to provide energy.

HIIT and Growth Hormones

Another reason why people doubt HIIT is that it breaks down and uses amino acids as energy. This is true, but when the training sessions are kept short, HIIT can contribute to maintaining muscles and thus achieving muscle growth, unlike LISS, where the training sessions are always prolonged. In fact, HIIT helps more if your goal is muscle growth.

Any form of cardio training causes growth hormone (GH) to be released. This is a response to aerobic activity. The harder you train, the higher your growth hormone levels will be. And the level of growth hormones remains high even after your workout.

Growth hormones are not the only hormones released during HIIT. Your testosterone level also increases when you make good use of HIIT. During and after high-intensity aerobic training, your testosterone level spikes and remains high after your workout to promote recovery.

Testosterone and growth hormones are very important when strength training and wanting to maintain your muscles. HIIT training can significantly increase both hormones and help maintain your muscles and burn fat.


Which type of cardio training should you perform to get in shape? The answer is: both. You can perform HIIT workouts only a few times a week before it starts working catabolically. To keep the necessary variation, LISS is a nice alternative.

This is not the only reason to use both types of cardio training. HIIT cardio will increase your lipolysis, but mainly because it speeds up your metabolism, while LISS will stimulate fat burning through the actual training.


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