Full body workout

Full body workout

Geschreven door Nathan Albers

Geschatte leestijd: 2 minuten

A full-body training, as the name suggests, involves training all the muscles in your body in a single workout session. Here you’ll find an example.

Full Body Workout

More experienced fitness enthusiasts and bodybuilders are accustomed to dividing their body training over multiple sessions and often look down upon full-body training. The reason for this is that full-body workouts are mainly done by beginner fitness enthusiasts and the weights and intensity are often marginal. However, a full-body training can be very demanding when you increase the intensity significantly. Another reason is the concern that muscles do not get enough time for recovery. Therefore, there are

Example of a Full Body Training

The following example is based on four days of training. If you are an experienced athlete, you can try to do all four days in one week. If you are not experienced, do the first three days in the first week and start the second week with day 4 and then start again with day 1, and so on. Make sure to incorporate rest days!

All exercises are paired with each other. This means that you do a set of the first exercise in the pair, rest for a while, then do a set of the second exercise, rest again, and then do a set of the first exercise again, and so on. Note: these are not supersets, so there should be a rest period between two sets.

The weights you should use are indicated as the weight with which you can maximum perform a certain number of repetitions. For example, if it says 6 repetitions with 8RM (eight repetition maximum), then you do 6 repetitions with a weight with which you could maximum do 8 repetitions.

Training Day 1
(Sets: 4, Repetitions: 6, Rest: 60 seconds between two sets, Weight: 8RM)

Squat (feet close together) with Bent-over Rows or Seated Cable Rows (palms facing down)
Dumbbell Military Press with Lunges
Standing Calf Raises (toes straight forward) with Incline Bench Press (narrow grip)

Training Day 2
(Sets: 3, Repetitions: 12, Rest: 75 seconds between two sets, Weight: 14RM)

Deadlifts (feet close together) with Dips or Decline Dumbbell Bench Press (palms facing each other)
Chin-ups or Small Grip Pulldowns (palms facing up) with One-Arm Dumbbell Triceps Extensions
Seated Calf Raise or Donkey Calf Raise (toes pointed outward) with Reverse Crunch

Training Day 3
(Sets: 3, Repetitions: 12, Rest: 75 seconds between two sets, Weight: 14RM)

Squat (feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart) with Bent-over Rows or Seated Cable Rows (palms facing up)
Barbell Military Press with Split Squats (static lunges)
Standing Calf Raises (toes pointed outward) with Incline Bench Press (wide grip)

Training Day 4
(Sets: 4, Repetitions: 6, Rest: 60 seconds between two sets, Weight: 8RM)

Deadlifts (sumo style) with Dips or Decline Dumbbell Bench Press (palms facing each other)
Chin-ups or Pulldowns (palms facing downward) with Lying Triceps Extensions
Seated Calf Raise or Donkey Calf Raise (toes straight forward) with Swiss Ball Crunches (or regular crunches)


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