Fitness and veganism, do they go together?

Geschreven door Nathan Albers
Geschatte leestijd: 3 minuten

Fitness and Veganism: Building Muscle Without Animal Proteins. Is it Possible or Does it Limit Your Growth?

In part as a response to the article about the documentary “What the Health?”, we realized that we have paid little attention to alternatives for animal proteins. We’re happy to change that. Among other things, this week we have two articles about fitness and veganism. Today, first an article by Claudio.

Fitness and Veganism

“You should mainly eat red meat and chicken. That’s the best way to achieve muscle growth.”

I think this is a well-known statement that everyone has heard in the gym at some point. Especially men encourage each other to eat as much chicken and red meat as possible. If you tell others that you’re vegan or vegetarian, they really get going about the importance of meat and dairy. But is that so? Do you really need meat and dairy to build a good physique?

Meat and other animal products are generally an extremely good source of protein. This is due to the composition of amino acids (amino acid profile) contained in animal products. Amino acids are the building blocks that form proteins. We know 20 different types of amino acids, of which there are 8 essential amino acids and 12 non-essential amino acids. We need to obtain the first type of amino acids from our diet in order to function. We cannot produce these ourselves. And it’s precisely the fact that these essential amino acids are present in large quantities in meat and many animal products that make animal products seem indispensable.

But do you know where else you can find these 8 essential amino acids? You guessed it: in plants! Plant-based foods can contain all the amino acids you need to build your physique. Additionally, as a plant-eater, you can enjoy the fact that you’re not consuming all the junk that’s in meat. Plant-based eating almost always involves low levels of saturated fatty acids (“bad” fats), low cholesterol and trans fats, plenty of vitamins and minerals, and moreover, for us fitness fanatics, more than enough protein. Even for guys who want to consume 200 grams of protein every day, there’s plenty to be found in plants. You just need the right knowledge of the right plant sources and the amounts you need.

As a man, it’s quite normal to eat 150-200 grams of protein per day, and for women, 90 – 120 grams of protein. You should be able to obtain these amounts from plant-based foods. Fortunately, we no longer live in the Middle Ages, and there are all sorts of fantastic foods and supplements that help achieve this goal. Some personal favorites of mine are the vegan protein sources available in the Netherlands, such as the product lines of Vivera and Alpro. These products are based on soy and lupine and contain between 3 grams and 22 grams of protein per 100 grams of the product. That’s a lot! With just 200 grams of “fake meat,” you sometimes already have 44 grams of protein. That’s a quarter of your daily protein needs as a man.

Some other important products are the less processed items that, in my opinion, are essential for everyone, especially for those who want to eat more plant-based. These products are important because they are high in all the nutrients you need. These include:

  • Beans
  • Lentils
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Soy-based products, such as tofu
  • Vegetables

Here too, the amount of protein varies from a few grams to as much as 28 grams of protein per 100 grams of the product.

It’s also an option to take certain supplements to meet your protein needs. For some people, a vegan protein supplement can be a great solution. These are powders based on soy, peas, rice, or other plant sources and typically contain around 20 grams of protein per scoop.

So you see, as a vegan, there are plenty of opportunities to obtain adequate nutrition and achieve your best physique.

This is evidence that being vegan and fitness go hand in hand. If you want to learn more about plant-based eating and fitness, or if you want to be guided by a professional who also eats plant-based, contact me and let’s start creating your dream physique now!


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