Exercise is healthy: 25 reasons why

Exercise is healthy: 25 reasons why

Geschreven door Nathan Albers
Geschatte leestijd: 3 minuten

The 25 Reasons Why Exercise is Good for You. Which of these reasons is your favorite?

1. Exercise lowers your heart rate frequency

The heart is a muscle. Aerobic training strengthens this muscle, making your heart pump more efficiently by moving more blood per beat.

Because the trained heart works so much more efficiently, it brings more oxygen to the cells of your body. In theory, this could extend your life by several years.

2. Exercise reduces the risk of heart disease

Movement reduces blood clotting, reducing the chances of developing heart disease.

People who don’t exercise are twice as likely to develop heart disease.

3. Exercise reduces the risk of stroke

Regular physical activity improves blood circulation and strengthens the heart, reducing the risk of stroke.

4. Exercise lowers your blood pressure

Regular exercise can lower your blood pressure, contributing to a healthier cardiovascular system.

5. Exercise reduces the risk of colon cancer

Regular exercise regulates the digestive process more effectively.

6. Exercise makes your bones stronger and healthier

Physical activity, especially weight-bearing activities such as walking and running, increases bone density, reducing the risk of osteoporosis.

7. Exercise improves your fitness and strengthens your lungs

Aerobic exercises improve lung function and increase endurance.

8. Exercise gives a healthier skin tone and helps your skin remain elastic

Physical activity stimulates blood circulation, contributing to healthier and more vibrant skin.

9. Exercise helps you lose excess weight and maintain your weight

Exercise is a key factor in losing weight and then maintaining it. This is because exercise increases your metabolism (the rate at which your body burns calories) and also increases your muscle mass, which helps burn more fat.

10. Exercise regulates your blood sugar levels

Physical activity helps to maintain your body’s glucose levels, which is especially important for diabetics or those at risk of becoming diabetic.

11. Exercise keeps your cholesterol levels in check

Exercise increases the level of good cholesterol (HDL) compared to bad cholesterol (LDL) and also lowers the less desirable fat content (triglycerides) in your body.

12. Exercise helps increase your pain tolerance

By increasing endorphin levels (the natural painkillers in your body), exercise can help relieve pain, such as PMS symptoms and menstrual pain. Deep breathing during exercise helps bring more oxygen into the bloodstream, helping to relax the uterus.

13. Exercise leads to an easier pregnancy and childbirth


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Women who exercise regularly often experience fewer complications during pregnancy and childbirth.

14. Exercise reduces your physical and emotional tensions (less stress)

Exercise not only reduces your physical and emotional tensions, but it can also alleviate panic attacks and depression.

15. Exercise improves your ability to think

Exercise increases your productivity by helping you clear your mind so you can work refreshed and with better concentration.

16. Exercise makes your body more flexible

Stretching exercises help lengthen your muscles, making you more flexible.

17. Exercise reduces back pain

Stretching exercises also reduce back pain.

18. Exercise leads to a younger and healthier body

We spend money every year to maintain a healthy and youthful body. Regular exercise can help slow down the aging process of your body.

19. Exercise helps older people stay independent longer

By improving muscle strength, balance, and mobility, seniors can remain independent and active for longer.

20. Exercise strengthens the immune system in the long term, reducing your chances of getting sick

Regular physical activity boosts immunity, making you less susceptible to illnesses.

21. Exercise regulates your waste production

Exercise reduces constipation by keeping your bowels active and helps you avoid looking bloated or puffy by sweating more effectively.

22. Exercise improves your sleep

Because your muscles are less tense, you’ll be able to relax more easily during the night. You’ll fall asleep faster, sleep deeper, and wake up more refreshed.

23. Exercise gives you more energy

Physical activity increases energy levels by improving the efficiency of energy production in cells.

24. Exercise makes you healthier

Overall physical and mental health is improved by regular exercise, leading to a better quality of life.

25. Exercise gives you a sense of well-being

Want to be happier and more cheerful? Exercise boosts your confidence by improving your strength, endurance, flexibility, and appearance, and by giving you a sense of control over yourself.

Exercise not only helps solve physical problems, but it can also prevent those same problems.

Now that you’ve seen what exercise can do for you, what’s stopping you from getting started?


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