Christian Bale workout

Christian Bale workout

Geschreven door Nathan Albers
Geschatte leestijd: 2 minuten

Christian Bale, born Christian Charles Philip Bale, is an English actor born in Wales known for portraying often complex psychologically troubled characters.

Actor Christian Bale was born in Haverfordwest, Wales, on January 30, 1974. His full name is Christian Charles Philip Bale and he was involved in acting at an early age. He got his first roles in various commercials and was already seen in the movie Empire of the Sun at the age of 12, directed by Steven Spielberg. His real breakthrough came later in his career in the film American Psycho, where initially Leonardo DiCaprio was supposed to get the lead role. In this film, you see a fully trained Christian Bale. His versatility and dedication to his roles are evident later in his career when he appears emaciated on screen in the film The Machinist. His fame truly skyrocketed when he took on the role of Bruce Wayne and Batman in Christopher Nolan’s Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, and The Dark Knight Rises. In 2011, Christian Bale won an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor for his role in the film The Fighter.

Christian Bale’s Training Schedule

Christian Bale has proven to be more than just an actor who can portray the role of Batman. In Batman Begins, you see how he mastered his martial arts skills, and in The Dark Knight, you see a toned body of Bruce Wayne. After his role in Reign of Fire, Christian Bale really went deep for the role in The Machinist. He went from 83kg to an inhuman 55kg. To be completely toned again a year later for his role in Batman Begins, where he weighed 86kg. How did Christian Bale manage that? The gaining and bulking mainly came from lots of calories and heavy strength training workouts. Additionally, Christian Bale is not a hardgainer and easily builds muscle. For his role in The Machinist, he completely starved himself. This was harder for him than for his roles as Batman. For that, he used the Batman Workout.

Batman Workout

Batman Workout Day 1

  • Chin-ups Supersets with Bent Over rows
  • Squats
  • High Pulls
  • Clean and Press

Batman Workout Day 2

  • Sprinting
  • Squat jumps
  • Lunges

Batman Workout Day 3

  • Dumbbell Flyes – Bench Press
  • Clap Push Ups
  • Lateral Jumps

Christian Bale’s Nutrition Plan

Nutrition played an important role in achieving his physiques in the various films. It’s important that a diet and nutrition plan is balanced with sufficient protein, carbohydrates, vegetables, and fruits. Because Christian Bale is a vegetarian, he mainly got his protein from eggs, cheese, milk, and protein shakes. The latter is essential since he had to gain quite a few pounds in muscle.

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