Body type Endomorph nutrition and training

Body type Endomorph nutrition and training

Geschreven door Nathan Albers
Geschatte leestijd: 3 minuten

This is the final article about the three different body types, and in this one, the body type Endomorph is described. First of all, it might be good to briefly describe who actually coined these terms and how this theory came about. These terms were invented and described around 1940 by an American psychologist William Herbert Sheldon. His main goal was to associate body types with (innate) personality traits of people.

However, nowadays we use this theory more to describe training techniques for the different body types. This is done because it is relatively easy to distinguish between different body types of people, and on the other hand, it is also easy to merge large groups. As described earlier, there are variations in body types, and it is too simple to say that everyone fits precisely into one of these three categories, which is not the case. Many people have a combination of two body types. What often occurs, for example, is an Ectomorph/Mesomorph combination and a Mesomorph/Endomorph combination. There is even a scale for all three body types from 1-7. A pure Endomorph scores a 7-1-1, a Mesomorph 1-7-1, and an Ectomorph 1-1-7.

Metabolism and Muscle Building

As mentioned earlier, training can change a number of aspects of your body. Someone who is primarily Ectomorph, but eats well and trains hard, can adjust their body to resemble more of a Mesomorph appearance. An example is when you gain a lot of muscle mass. Muscle and fat mass can be changed, but the bone structure itself cannot.

In this article, we mainly focus on the Endomorph body type. But to make things a bit clearer, the characteristics of a Mesomorph and Ectomorph body type are briefly outlined:

Ectomorphs are people with a very narrow and thin body build. Short upper body with a flat chest and narrow shoulders are characteristics. Additionally, the arms and legs are often long and thin, and they have narrow hands and feet. Ectomorphs have a fast metabolism and easily burn calories.

Mesomorphs are people with a large chest and torso, and they often have broad shoulders. They are well muscled and often very powerful. This body type has the most athletic build and is also the ideal body build for bodybuilding.

Endomorph Body Type

What is the Endomorph Body Type

The typical Endomorph has a round body build and is usually somewhat shorter with sturdy arms and legs. Compared to the other body types, metabolism is the slowest. The thighs are often powerful in these individuals. However, the muscles are not very defined. People with an Endomorph body type are often described as stout.

What are the Pros and Cons of the Endomorph

The Endomorph has little trouble gaining weight because these individuals are often already built heavier, which is a disadvantage. On the other hand, these people can also gain significant muscle mass. So, it is important to find a proper balance and preferably focus on building muscle mass rather than fat mass.

What to Do If You Want to Grow as an Endomorph

Growing is not a problem for the Endomorph. But of course, you want to grow in muscle mass rather than fat mass. These individuals could therefore train with more repetitions (more than 12 reps) with sufficient sets and short rest periods.

What to Do If You Want to Lose Weight as an Endomorph

Endomorphs are advised to include sufficient cardio training in their workout schedule to burn extra calories. It is also advisable not to consume too many calories. Additionally, the rule for weight loss is the same for everyone, regardless of body type. To lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you consume.


It is interesting to determine what your body type is, and it doesn’t hurt to delve into it. It is also always good to have an overview of the number of calories you consume and the number of calories you burn. An Endomorph body type is often seen as stout and not athletic. Fortunately, these people can also adjust their bodies through training and a suitable diet. However, keep in mind that a combination of various body types is possible and that exceptions to the described characteristics may occur.


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