
FITsociety features

FITsociety offers a range of functionalities designed to support professionals in their coaching and business management. These features include personalized nutrition and training plans, efficient customer management and the ability to interact directly with customers. View the functions here per section.

iOS & Android App

Your own app to guide your customers and professionalize your business

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Nutrition plans

Create impact with personalized nutrition plans for customers via the FITsociety App

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Training schedules

Customized training schedules
via the FITsociety App

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Track and measure progress optimally
with the FITsociety App

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Membership administration

Alles-in-één ledenadministratie en klantbetrokkenheid
met de FITsociety App

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Optimize your planning with the
FITsociety Agenda

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Discover how the FITsociety software can grow your business

Have you become enthusiastic? Try the new FITsociety software for free for 14 days and experience the benefits of the all-in-one training and nutrition software.

Try it for free for 14 days