
Jay Cutler

Geschreven door Nathan Albers

Geschatte leestijd: 4 minutenAs a 4-time and current Mr. Olympia, Jay Cutler cannot be missing from the overview of successful and well-known bodybuilders. This farmer’s son developed the basis for his physique on his parents’ farm and later in his brother’s concrete business. He began bodybuilding at Quinsigamond Community College at the age of 18. Just 1 year later, he entered his first bodybuilding competition, which he won, marking the start of his bodybuilding career. He turned professional after his performance at the Nationals in 1996. After this performance, he had his pick of sponsors and ultimately chose Joe Weider.

Jay Cutler Biography

After some less successful performances in 1998, a move, and a wedding, Jay won the Night of Champions in 2000. That year, he placed 8th in the Mr. Olympia. In 2001, his sponsor gave him the opportunity to prepare for the Mr. Olympia 2001 throughout the entire year. This paid off, as he controversially placed 2nd after Ronnie Coleman. This brought him considerable publicity, and in 2003, he again placed 2nd in the Mr. Olympia, but 1st in 5 other events that year. Finally, in 2006, he won the Mr. Olympia for the first time, and would go on to win it three more times in 2007, 2009, and 2010.

Interview Jay Cutler

During the Bodypower Expo Birmingham this year, I spoke with Jay and conducted an interview with Jay Cutler. (update 17-06-2014)


Since 2008, Cutler has been training according to the so-called Fascia Stretch Training-Sevenprinciple (FST-7), where the final exercise for each muscle group consists of seven sets, with the muscles being stretched between sets. The training system was developed by Haney Rambod, and Cutler’s training partner, Phil Heath, also trains according to the principles of FST-7. The physique Cutler developed by training according to this system contributed to his recapturing the Mr. Olympia title in 2009. With his new training methodology, he aims to achieve rounder, fuller muscles on his already broad frame.


FST stands for Fascia Stretch Training, and the seven refers to the seven sets performed for the final exercise of a target body part. Many bodybuilders use this system for overall growth and particularly to improve stubborn body parts that seemingly resist improvement.

There are three types of fascia in the human body, but bodybuilders should focus on the deep fascia. Your fascia can be likened to a sort of sheath where the ends of your muscles reside. This dense fibrous tissue permeates and surrounds the muscles, bones, nerves, and blood vessels of the body. The high density of collagen fibers is what gives the deep fascia its strength and integrity. The amount of elastin fibers determines how much stretch and resilience it will have.

In other words, some of us have fascia that is thicker and heavier than others. Most genetically blessed bodybuilders have thinner fascia, which is why their muscles appear fuller and larger, with ‘bubbles’ that give that rounded look that all bodybuilders desire. Ronnie Coleman and Phil Heath would be two good examples of individuals blessed with thin fascia. This advantage makes their muscle growth easier.

Interview with Jay Cutler

Four-time Mr. Olympia Jay Cutler promoted his supplement line, JAY CUTLER Signature series by BPI Sports, at the BodypowerExpo. I spoke with him briefly before the close of the fair:

Kenneth: “A new day, a new Expo. Do you see days like these as a fun reunion with old friends or is it business as usual?”

Jay: “Indeed, it is business first and foremost, but it’s always nice to see old friends and meet fans.”

Kenneth: “You announced this year that you won’t be participating in the Mr. Olympia. Can we expect you to return to the stage?”

Jay: “I haven’t officially said goodbye to the stage, but indeed announced not participating in ‘the O’ this year. The work I do for BPI, among others, has demanded too much time to prepare properly.”

Kenneth: “Before winning your first Mr. Olympia, you finished second four times behind Ronnie Coleman. How did you keep going?”

Jay: “There were moments when I almost gave up, but I just kept pushing through, and eventually, it was my time.”

Kenneth: “It reminds me of the current battle between Phil and Kai (ed. Kai Greene finished second behind Phil Heath in the last two years). Many people think Kai has bad luck because Phil will be unbeatable for a few more years.”

Jay: “I think Kai has good chances because he’s the underdog. He has a large fan base that keeps growing. Actually, I think Kai has it easier than Phil in that regard.”

(For those who don’t know. Jay Cutler is, as it were, the mentor of Phil and a good friend. Phil won his first Mr. Olympia by defeating Jay Cutler in 2011 when the apprentice became the master. Kai finished third).

Meanwhile, I hear in the background the announcement that the fair will close in five minutes. The fans waiting for the chance to take a photo with their idol start impatiently shifting back and forth in fear of missing their chance. So, I ask my final question, the same one I asked Dorian:

Kenneth: “It can be very difficult for people to choose from the wide range of supplements. If you could choose two supplements as favorites, which would they be…apart from the brand, because I understand you naturally go for BPI”

Jay: “Haha, of course. First, a good protein, that’s really the foundation when it comes to supplements. Second, I would say BCAAs for before and during training.”

I thank Jay for the interview, wish him continued success with the supplement line, and let him return to the waiting fans. But not before I’ve taken a photo with him, of course!


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