How hard should you train?

How hard should you train?

Geschreven door Nathan Albers

Geschatte leestijd: 2 minuten

Training with Weights: How Heavy Should You Lift?

“I’ve just started bodybuilding again after many years of not training. My question: How do I know what weight to use during my workout? So, how heavy should you train? Everyone at the gym tells me to train heavy, but I’m not sure how heavy is too heavy.”

Heavy Weight Doesn’t Always Mean Higher Intensity!

First, it’s important to realize that we constantly talk about “training with high resistance” rather than “training with heavy weights” for a reason. The art in bodybuilding is to make it as challenging as possible by using optimal technique. “Ego lifting” is the opposite; it’s when someone cheats in every possible way to lift the weight, like using their legs to help during a standing shoulder press.

Therefore, don’t use weights that prevent you from performing the exercise with proper technique. Not even if there’s a pretty girl training next to you!

What is Muscle Failure?

Muscle failure is the point at which performing another repetition becomes impossible. I always suggest stopping an exercise at the earliest when you know you won’t be able to complete another full repetition on your own. So, for example, if you’re doing 12 repetitions and can’t complete the 13th, that’s your muscle failure. If you stopped at 12, you still had energy left, and you might not have stimulated the muscle enough for growth.

How to Select Weight for an Exercise?

The weight selection for an exercise will be based on the total number of repetitions the program contains. So, for example, if your program includes 10-12 repetitions for Incline Bench Press, you should select a weight that won’t lead you to Muscle Failure within 10-12 repetitions. Since you’re just starting, your weight selection will be a trial and error process. Here are the steps to follow:

  • Select a weight you think you can perform 10-12 repetitions with on your own.
  • If you complete the 10-12 repetitions on your own, keep that weight and use it for the next set.
  • If you don’t complete the repetitions on your own, lower the weight for the next set.
  • If you complete the 12th rep on your own, increase the weight for the next set.

Training Diary

As a beginner, it’s essential to keep a diary where you note the weights you use for each exercise. This way, you’ll become familiar with what weights to use each time you go to the gym. It’s also a great way to track your progress.

How Heavy Should You Train with Weight?

The weight for an exercise should only be increased when the current weights consistently result in reaching Muscle Failure. For example, if your program includes 3 sets of dumbbell curls, with 10 – 12 reps using 15 kg, and during the 3rd set, you can still do a 13th or 14th rep, it’s time to increase the weight.

What is a Good Bodybuilding Program for Beginners?

On this site, you’ll find various bodybuilding programs for beginners. The most important thing is to start with caution when you begin. Your body, muscles, and tendons are not accustomed to training with heavy weights. So, take it easy on everything you train at the beginning. Additionally, there are many misconceptions among beginners about bodybuilding. Often, beginners have the right motivation but not the right information. So, educate yourself well before you start.


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