FST-7 and Power Supply

Geschreven door Nathan Albers

Geschatte leestijd: 4 minuten

In the training section of FST-7, I wrote about stretching the fascia (the connective tissue surrounding the muscles) and the importance of the pump, especially during the last exercise for a muscle group.

Additionally, I’ve discussed which exercises work best for ‘sevens’ and how and when these pump sets should be performed. In the sample routines, I’ve shown how to combine standard sets and ‘sevens’ in a muscle group training (also check out the sample routines for all muscle groups).

In this article, I’ll tell you how to set up your diet to ensure that your muscles have the necessary nutrients to achieve a maximum pump, which stretches the fascia tissue and allows for extra growth.

Eating before Training: Preparing for the Pump

Hopefully, you understand the importance of eating well before your workout. This provides the body with all the materials it needs to fuel an intense and productive weight training session. Hany Rambod always advises his clients to have at least two meals of regular food (no shakes) with lean proteins and complex carbohydrates before a workout.

The protein source can be chicken or turkey breast, or lean cuts of red meat when training later in the day. Good carbohydrate sources are oatmeal, sweet potatoes, or brown rice.

All of these are slow carbohydrates, which provide your body with energy over a longer period, unlike the fast, simple carbohydrates found in fruit and which can let you down during your workout.

Additionally, it’s very important to drink enough water. This is especially crucial for anyone using thermogenic (temperature-raising) products (stackers, clenbuterol, ephedrine). Most of these substances have a dehydrating effect, meaning you need to make sure to drink more water to compensate for this fluid loss.

Remember, I said water and not soda. Sodas fill you up too much, preventing you from drinking enough.

A question often asked is, how long before a workout should I eat my last meal? Generally, you want to have your last meal about an hour before your workout. An exception is for leg training. Since leg training demands so much from your body, your last meal should be eaten a bit earlier – about an hour and a half before the workout.

These are just guidelines, though. If you’re the type of person who’s starving an hour and a half after a meal, you probably don’t want more than an hour between your workout and your last meal before that workout.

If you digest your food very slowly and feel nauseous when eating too close to your workout, you need to adjust your schedule accordingly. By staying away from fatty or sugary foods, you can avoid nausea during the workout.

During the Workout

During the workout, most people need nothing more than sufficient water, about a liter. This, of course, depends on your weight, how much you sweat during your workout, and the season. It’s logical that you need more water in the summer, especially if you’re training in a gym that doesn’t believe in air conditioning, or if you’re training outside. You can take sips of a carbohydrate drink or fat-burning drink during your workout, but there’s nothing that can replace water.

If you do have one of the two mentioned drinks during your workout, you should also have a bottle of water with you and alternate between the two to ensure you’re getting enough fluids. I can’t emphasize this enough: it’s simply not possible to get a good pump if you’re not drinking enough water before and during your workout.

As you know, the human body, especially our blood, is more than seventy percent water; you need a constant supply to keep the fluid level up.

Eating after the Workout

It’s important to have a protein shake within 15 to 20 minutes after your workout, if not immediately, to start the compensation and recovery process that ultimately leads to muscle growth. There are all sorts of recovery drinks on the market, but you can’t go wrong with a high-quality protein source like whey protein isolate with a fast-absorbing carbohydrate like dextrose.

If you have an ectomorph body type and struggle to gain weight, don’t be afraid to take two or more types of carbohydrates at the same time. You can even add something like fruit juice for taste, along with other simple carbohydrates.

If you’re looking to lose weight or if you’re someone who easily gains fat, you should go easy on the carbohydrates in this shake. However, you should always include some carbohydrates in this shake, except when you’re at the end of a competition preparation and want to lose the last bit of body fat.

After an hour or two, you should have another real meal that is similar in composition to the meal before the workout. To better absorb the food, keep the fat content low, especially the amount of saturated fats should remain low. When you eat this meal depends on the size of the shake you’ve consumed and your appetite.

You can’t eat before you’re hungry again. If you drink a large shake that fills you up completely, it can take two hours before you’re hungry enough to have a real meal. A lighter shake is absorbed more quickly, and theoretically, you should be ready to eat again in an hour.

A Word on Salt…

Many bodybuilders believe that salt is bad for them and that they should avoid it. They eat very little salt all year round, while the truth is that you only need to worry about your salt intake during the last few days before a competition, when you’re trying to lose subcutaneous water. Without enough salt in your diet, you simply can’t get a pump.

Some of you may have noticed this during a competition. When you try to pump up and haven’t had enough salt for a few days, your muscles are flat and unresponsive, even when you eat carbohydrates and drink water. After the pre-judging, if you eat a burger and fries, your muscles seem to magically get bigger, and you’re able to get a great pump at the evening show!

Salt helps to get carbohydrates to the muscles, so don’t be afraid to put some salt on your food. You can also get your salt from sauces like ketchup, mustard, and barbecue sauce. If you have conditions like diabetes, however, listen to your doctor and follow their advice!

Try the FST-7 training in combination with these dietary guidelines, and grow like you’ve never dreamed!

If you want to try FST-7 but have no idea how to put together such a routine, take a look at the sample routines. Check out the training theory behind FST-7 here.


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