Deca Durabolin: treatment effect and results

Geschreven door Nathan Albers

Geschatte leestijd: 14 minutenDeca-Durabolin is one of the most popular anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS). It is considered a “reasonably mild type” of AAS. Deca-Durabolin is not a fast-acting AAS like Dianabol, but it also has fewer side effects, making it suitable for longer-term use.

Deca Durabolin

Deca Durabolin is (the brand name of) a modified form of Nandrolone. Therefore, first an explanation about this hormone, whose chemical name is 19-nortestosterone. The name reveals that this is a molecule based on testosterone. 19-nor refers to the fact that a carbon atom has been removed from this testosterone molecule (at the 19th position). It naturally occurs in the human body but in very small amounts (about 0.4 ng/ml), which is about 50 times less than Testosterone. The extent to which an AAS is anabolic (tissue-building) relative to how much it is androgenic (“masculinizing”) is called the “anabolic/androgenic ratio.” The standard for this is Testosterone, which has been given the reference value ratio of 100:100 (or 1:1). The anabolic/androgenic ratio of Nandrolone is 125:37. It, therefore, has more anabolic properties than Testosterone but is much less androgenic.

Benefits of Deca Durabolin

Since the 60s, there has been a search for products that have the same or better muscle-building properties as Testosterone but with fewer side effects. The unpleasant side effects of Testosterone (as administered AAS) have various causes. These side effects are often related to the androgenic action of testosterone (strengthening male characteristics), the conversion to the female estradiol, and the conversion to DHT (dihydrotestosterone). Nandrolone has all these side effects to a much lesser extent.

Firstly, it converts less to estradiol. This conversion usually causes fluid retention, acne, and unpleasant issues like “bitch tits”, gynecomastia. Nandrolone is converted to estradiol 5 times less than testosterone!

Moreover, it does not convert to DHT but to the weaker androgenic dihydronandrolone, reducing the chance of certain side effects such as baldness, skin, and prostate complaints. Finally, Nandrolone, partly because it does not convert to DHT (which is much more androgenic than testosterone), is less androgenic than Testosterone, so related side effects such as prostate enlargement occur less frequently.

Nandrolone provides a few more benefits. It increases aggression, allowing you to train harder and more intensely. Besides, it increases the level of the growth hormone IGF-1. This possibly contributes to the high anabolic/androgenic ratio. It also increases the activity of androgen receptors, which stimulates muscle growth.

The Benefits of Nandrolone

  • Nandrolone causes few side effects due to the low aromatizing action, the fact that it is not converted to DHT, and (partly because of this) low androgenic action. It is converted to estradiol 5 times less than testosterone.
  • In a study among postmenopausal women, nandrolone was shown to promote collagen synthesis, contributing to strong attachments and joints. Another study found that nandrolone decanoate improved mineral content in bones. This explains why users experience less joint and attachment complaints, allowing them to train pain-free(er).
  • Nandrolone increases nitrogen retention, the extent to which cells retain more nitrogen than they release. This contributes significantly to dry muscle mass. Research showed that both a low dose of 65mg/week and a high dose of 200mg/week caused significant nitrogen retention (33-52 grams in 14 days), leading to 0.5kg to 0.9kg gain in dry mass per week. The total body weight increased by an average of 4.9kg (+/- 1,2kg), of which 3.1kg (+/- 0.5kg) was dry mass. Performance during cardio on a treadmill was also improved.
  • A study among HIV+ patients who received 200-600mg/week (200mg week 1, 400mg week 2, and 600mg week 3) showed no negative side effects on total and LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, and insulin sensitivity. HDL (the “good cholesterol”) decreased, but not to the extent that it worsened the total cholesterol. Whether this was because LDL (the “bad cholesterol”) decreased is unclear. Moreover, Nandrolone was found to strengthen the immune system.

In the mentioned studies, only one type of Nandrolone was used, namely Nandrolone decanoate.

Esters for Longer Action

Nandrolone itself has a short half-life of 30-40 minutes, meaning it loses half of its action every 30-40 minutes. This is because it is rapidly broken down in the body. This time can be extended by modifying the hormone by adding an ester.

Again, an explanation of esters from the general piece on AAS. By adding an organic acid to the molecule, an ester is formed. This esterification makes the substance more soluble in fat/oil and less so in moisture. It mainly nestles in fatty tissue where it is gradually broken down, and the connection with the organic acid is broken, thereby converting it back to the “mother steroid molecule”, in this case, Nandrolone. This results in a gradual release into the blood (moisture) instead of a rapid availability with high peaks. The ester is always attached to the so-called 17th position where normally a hydroxide group is attached (OH).

The most common esters are composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms. In principle, the more carbon atoms the ester contains, the better it is soluble in fat and less in water. This means that products with these “longer” esters are broken down less quickly (although there are exceptions). First, these carbon atoms of the ester must be broken down before the active substance can be utilized or “freed.” Hence, the more carbon atoms, the longer the half-life. Nandrolone is sold with various esters (including cypionate, decanoate, and phenylpropionate) that thus vary in duration of action and speed. For example, Decanoate peaks slowly and can keep the levels in the blood stable for up to 10 days and longer. Other esters like phenylpropionate peak faster but have (therefore) a shorter half-life. Shorter esters release more hormones per administered dose. The longer the ester, the heavier it weighs. 100ml of Nandrolone Decanoate yields about 60mg of Nandrolone. This is important to know to be able to determine the dose of different types of esters correctly. Other differences can lie in the extent to which fluid is retained (Nandrolone decanoate, Deca-Durabolin) or specifically in dry mass gain (e.g., Nandrolone phenylpropionate, Durabolin). I will first go into the popular Deca-Durabolin and then more briefly on the other esters.

Nandrolone Decanoate, Deca-Durabolin

I spent most of the time on this article trying to determine the half-life of Nandrolone with the decanoate ester. Medical literature often mentions 6 days while other sources mention up to 15 days. The endocrinologist of the “anabolic clinic” refers to Ergogenics and the doping authority. Ergogenics is a very comprehensive website about performance-enhancing substances, including supplements and AAS. They are very good at finding, keeping up with, and following relevant scientific studies. Ergogenics refers on one page to two studies with different half-lives, both 7 and 15 days. Since it is specifically the half-life that is influenced by the popular decanoate ester, I found it very strange that there is so much ambiguity about this (especially since I always find ergogenics very accurate and well-founded).

Therefore, I sent an email to both Ergogenics and the doping authority asking for clarification. This immediately sparked an interesting discussion with the guys from (part of the doping authority). The latter answered with 6-8 days, but they wondered if I should want to include this information in an article. Moreover, I would no longer qualify for the so-called Clean Kneiters, an initiative by the doping authority to promote natural training for boys who have achieved some result. We had previously agreed to contact each other again after I had sent some more pictures of myself. My pictures and physique were fine for this, but now that they had glanced at my site, they judged that I was “pro anabolic use” (just because I can imagine circumstances in which you consider using!), “that I only show mass-monsters on the site” and (and then I was so fucking pissed off and offended that I almost typed through my keyboard in reply) “that I had borrowed a lot from their site and that of Ergogenics”. Do you really think I would “borrow” from a site that thinks you shouldn’t even be allowed to tell the half-life of a hormone? Precisely because they are by definition against use, you will not get subjective information (as far as possible), and they are not an interesting source of information about AAS for me. Maybe if you are a using competitive athlete who wants to avoid detection. In that case: Shame! I did indeed use Ergogenics to find the right studies faster. However, these research data are public and freely available via Pubmed, a site where research results are posted.

I thought it was funny that they said I was “pro use” based on my piece about AAS in general. This was funny because someone on a forum said they didn’t like the piece because it was clear that I was “against use” (which I am, and it was the only negative reaction). One and the same article from which two opposite opinions are drawn. Trouble from both sides is for me a sign that I’m right in the middle!

Fortunately, the gentlemen from Ergogenics did not leave me hanging. In my question to them, I already indicated that they are often my go-to guys for questions about supplements and AAS. They indicated that they also did not know what caused the difference in the various studies, but kept in mind differences in methodology such as the difference between in vitro/ ex vitro (tested in the body or in a culture). In addition, I suspect that differences in the definition of half-life can also be a cause. Their answer makes it clear that there is no clear answer.

In practice, 7 days is usually used, and injections are given weekly, but sometimes every 5 or 6 days.

Deca-Durabolin, or Deca, is the brand name of Nandrolone Decanoate sold by the Dutch company Organon. Many Nandrolone Decanoate products are offered that are also often conveniently called Deca or Deca-Durabolin, but formally this only applies to the product of Organon, which is the most popular and sold Nandrolone Decanoate worldwide. Deca-Durabolin, colloquially known as “Deca” in the gym, is very popular, as mentioned. However, many of the popular effects can be attributed to Nandrolone and not specifically to Nandrolone Decanoate, and therefore not to Deca-Durabolin. The difference from normal Nandrolone is therefore the Decanoate ester. This ester has 10 (the name “deca” already indicates this) carbon groups. Below you see the ester illustrated. On every connection of two lines and the end of a line where no other letters (atoms) are depicted, is a carbon atom. In the image below, you see how the ester is connected to Nandrolone, and they together form Nandrolone Decanoate.

The most important difference compared to Nandrolone without an ester is the half-life. Because it is long in the case of the Decanoate, the substance works less quickly, but therefore longer. This is a great advantage if you don’t want to prick yourself with such a fine needle several times a week. The long half-life also poses a potential disadvantage. Because of the relatively small gains in muscle mass, you have to use it for a longer time, about 16 weeks or what is normally long for an anabolic cycle.

Side Effects of Deca Durabolin

So, what are the side effects?

  • Many users report fluid retention. Letrozole (Novartis) is an anti-aromatizing product that seems to help reduce this fluid retention. So, this happens through reduced conversion to estradiol but also by lowering already present estrogen. This suggests that the fluid retention is at least partly due to the limited aromatizing action of Deca. Although it can be used for both the bulking and cutting phase, it seems better for the bulking phase unless you take additional means against it due to the fluid retention.
  • The fluid retention can also have another, more annoying cause. Deca Durabolin (like all other Nandrolone products) is indeed a progestin, a hormone that exhibits the same properties (water retention and acne, etc.) as progesterone and increases the progesterone receptor and progesterone by 20%. However, possible side effects seem not to occur often. Anti-progestogenic products do not seem to help prevent these side effects, Nolvadex does.
  • Deca Durabolin lowers testosterone levels! Just 100mg of Deca Durabolin caused an almost 100% decrease in testosterone in the study shown alongside! It took about a month after stopping Deca before testosterone was back to its old level. Low testosterone levels bring other problems such as reduced libido, impotence, depression, etc. Therefore, it is often recommended to stack Deca with a Testosterone product (Testosterone with a short ester), with 200mg of testosterone being advised. Also, keep in mind that the body’s production of Testosterone needs more time to recover the longer the cycle lasts. I heard recently from someone who had used Deca non-stop for a year and a half. This is, of course, much too long. It then took about the same amount of time for his Testosterone production to get going again, and for him not to feel “like a woman” anymore (his words).
  • Nandrolone can cause vasoconstriction and cardiovascular problems, as shown in a study from Egypt.

Stacking Deca Durabolin

Deca Durabolin is sometimes stacked (used in combination). It can thus be combined with Testosterone. If Testosterone is also used for its anabolic effect (thus also for muscle mass and not only to prevent reduced levels), the same amount as you use of Deca Durabolin is recommended. Besides, for example, Letrozole can be used against fluid retention. Finally, Cabergoline and Bromocriptine are sometimes recommended as anti-progestogenic and -estrogenic agents.

Another common reason for stacking is the fact that Deca is slow-acting. Injecting today does not mean 20% extra bench pressing today unless it’s in your head, of course (the thought that you can handle more, not the Deca!). Therefore, it is often stacked with shorter-acting AAS. The most famous, sometimes called the original stack, is the Deca/D-Bol stack, Deca-Durabolin with the faster-acting Dianabol.

Deca-Durabolin Cycle

As a cycle, you can use Deca Durabolin relatively safely up to 600mg/week for 12-16 weeks if you want to bulk. For cutting, it’s better to use 400mg/week for the same period of 12-16 weeks. You then need to use something against fluid retention. Another method to determine the weekly dose is to multiply your body weight by 4.4mg. Some prefer a ramp-up and ramp-down phase, for example: 200 mg and 400mg in week 1 and 2, 600mg from week 3 to 12, then decrease in week 13 to 16 with respectively 400mg, 200mg, 100mg, and 50 mg.

Deca Durabolin and PCTs

Post-Cycle-Therapy products (PCTs) are often aimed at restoring normal hormonal balance after ending a cycle or preventing a major setback (mentally and physically). For Deca cycles, it is recommended to continue using testosterone for about 2 weeks after ending, preferably with a long-lasting ester. This is to bridge the gap where you no longer benefit from the anabolic action of Deca-Durabolin, but still have a testosterone deficiency and are therefore in a worse state than before the cycle. In addition, users sometimes take products like HCG or Nolvadex or Clomid to restore hormonal balance as quickly as possible.

Buying Deca Durabolin

Nandrolone Decanoate is one of the most sold, if not the most sold, AAS. It is also one of the easiest to obtain AAS. How much does a Deca Durabolin cycle cost? That depends, as with all AAS, on “your guy” since you don’t just walk into a drugstore and buy a few ampoules. The original Deca Durabolin from Organon for human use is expensive (about €8-€9 per ampoule of 2ml). Deca intended for use by veterinarians is cheaper (about 60 euros for a 10ml bottle). As I said, however, it mostly depends on “your dealer” and his prices.

Fake Deca Durabolin

Be aware! Fake Deca is often offered. In the Netherlands, it has been shown that only 1/4 of the offered Deca is real. In most other cases, there was underdosing or a different active substance than Nandrolone Decanoate. It is therefore important to pay attention to a few points to avoid spending your money on stuff that does nothing for you in the least bad case and paying for contaminated oil or other components in the worse case. Fake versions can often be recognized by:

  • The missing gap between the yellow cap and the metal seal (see below)
  • Too dark and thick rubber in the neck of the bottle
  • The label does not run all the way around, clearly visible in the image next to it.
  • The label has rounded, rather than square corners
  • Black font instead of dark gray
  • Thin font “Dece-Durabolin” instead of bold.
  • The yellow cap is often, not always, thicker in the case of fake Deca.

Disadvantages of Deca-Durabolin

Aside from the side effects, Deca-Durabolin has a property that some might describe as disadvantageous, namely that it is detectable for many months. It is therefore not interesting for competitive athletes. But as a competitive athlete, you naturally don’t use anabolics. After all, that’s cheating, right……..right? The most important, often mentioned “disadvantage” is that it works slowly. However, this seems to me a choice. As mentioned, it is often used stacked with another faster-acting product as a kickstart to the cycle.

Medical Application of Deca Durabolin

Deca is medically used, among other things, for the treatment of anemia by stimulating the production of red blood cells. This increase in red blood cells can improve endurance by better removal of lactic acid and more delivery of oxygen. Moreover, the blood is then able to transport more nutrients to muscle tissue to promote recovery. Besides, Nandrolone also improves collagen synthesis, which can lead to better functioning of the attachments, joints, and relief of joint pain. There are also many users who indicate that they can train heavier with Nandrolone with fewer discomforts such as injuries and annoying, distracting pains.

Nandrolone – Deca-Durabolin Addictive?

The story I told about someone who used Deca for a year and a half already gives some answer. The only reason he did this was because he could not tolerate the drop in strength and muscle mass after a cycle. This is mainly an example of mental addiction. I know of no examples of physical addiction and withdrawal symptoms.

Nandrolone Cypionate

As mentioned, Decanoate is the most popular ester as an addition to Nandrolone. However, various esters are used for this purpose and, besides a different half-life, can also cause other differences. Nandrolone cypionate (“cyp”) is sometimes called fast Deca. The cypionate ester has fewer carbon atoms (8 instead of Deca’s 10) and therefore works faster and has a shorter half-life. The molecular formula of nandrolone cypionate is C26H38O3. The molecular structure is shown in the image next to it.

The cypionate ester is less suitable for medical applications because it works faster but also shorter, requiring more frequent injections and higher peak values. The advantage for bodybuilders is that due to the faster and shorter action, a cycle “only” needs to last 12 weeks instead of 16. One of the advantages is that the side effects also last shorter. The body’s Testosterone production is started faster, and women who suffer from the androgenic effect will have it for a shorter time (albeit still long). However, due to the higher peak values, side effects may occur more intensely.

Nandrolone Phenylpropionate

Nandrolone phenylpropionate (“NPP or prop”) has a propionate ester. This has only 3 carbon atoms (see next to it) and is therefore even faster-acting with a shorter half-life and higher peak values. This means even more frequent injections.

What is the Best Nandrolone Ester?

That is not easy to answer. Nandrolone Decanoate is certainly the most popular. However, popular is not always synonymous with quality, just look at Justin Bieber. An even better comparison is all the reality show celebrities who are famous for being famous. Once you’re on TV, you gain name recognition, and you’re a B-celebrity while in the past, you had to have qualities or talent or have achieved something important. Deca is in between. It has proven its value, increasing demand. This increased the supply, thus increasing availability. The greater availability then increased the popularity, and so the circle is complete. The shorter esters are much less available, and therefore there are fewer success stories about them. However, there is much to be said for the shorter esters.

In short, for smaller/shorter esters:

  • Shorter half-life, so more frequent injections (this last point will be seen as the biggest disadvantage by many)
  • Higher peak value
  • More Nandrolone per administered ml because the ester weighs less. Thus, a smaller dose is needed. “More bang for your buck,” as the Yanks say.
  • Less long detectable
  • Shorter esters normally increase the chance of injection pain. I will go into injection and injection pain in more detail later. Here, however, it suffices to say that the same short esters that cause pain complaints with testosterone cause fewer complaints with Nandrolone, as evidenced by user reactions. Whether this is due to Nandrolone itself is unclear. Probably, the difference is due to the solution in which the nandrolone is dissolved. The more alcohol for disinfection the solution contains, the more it can irritate the muscle. With short Testosterone esters, this can be so painful that you can’t even train the concerned muscle, often the shoulder, after the injection.

FITsociety on Anabolics

All my knowledge about AAS is theoretical and based on various studies and other people’s experiences. I have never felt the need to try anabolic steroids. Read my general article on Anabolic Steroids for my personal reasoning.

I advise against using and strongly recommend considering why you want to use AAS, informing yourself well about the potential side effects of the specific product, and then asking whether you have exhausted all other possibilities to achieve your goal before resorting to AAS. Looking at the users I know, more than 90% can still achieve results for years by getting much more from nutrition and training methods. For example, I’ve seen someone consider AAS while he didn’t even know anything about creatine and the value of protein when asked! Have you really delved into the matter? Do you know the different training principles? Do you have the discipline and motivation to invest the time and necessary energy in your training and nutrition? If this has been the case for years and you now notice that the results are lagging, then I understand it a bit better if you consider AAS (and no, gentlemen from, that does not make me “pro-anabolic use).

But then also immediately ask yourself the questions: “For what (how many extra kilos make me happy)?”. “For how long?”. And: “Will I ever be able to be satisfied when I don’t use AAS?”. I’m not claiming you’ll be addicted after one cycle, but the risk is sufficient for me to protect my naturally built body like an unmarried Muslim woman is supposed to protect her virginity. Besides, you just want to be proud of what you’ve built without others attributing all your results to the use of anabolics. It seems very annoying to train for years, watch your diet carefully, and use anabolics to get even bigger, and then hear from some couch-planted, fast-food-eating beer belly: “Oh, but I could do that too”.

Remember: Your body is a magnificent system that has evolved over millions of years into a precisely self-regulating mechanism.

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!!

Why then go into detail on AAS? When the doping authority asked me the same question, I said: The Catholic Church tries to prevent sex before marriage in South Africa and therefore forbids the use of condoms. Result: unprotected sex and thousands of HIV infections. For anabolics, in my opinion, the same applies as for all drugs, namely that everything depends on education, but (as far as possible) objective education. So not just the horror stories.


Anabolic Androgenic Steroids are intended for medical applications and should only be used in a medical setting by medically qualified individuals for a legitimate medical reason. The information on this site is not a substitute for the advice of a general practitioner or other medical professionals.


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