Bodybuilding terms

Bodybuilding terms

Geschreven door Nathan Albers

Geschatte leestijd: 4 minuten

Below you will find a list of the most common terms and concepts in bodybuilding. It is a list of terms, expressions, concepts, and names related to bodybuilding, strength training, and fitness.


Hypertrophy is the process that increases the size of muscle cells through strength training. There are two types of hypertrophy: sarcoplasmic and myofibrillar.

Sarcoplasmic Hypertrophy

Sarcoplasmic hypertrophy occurs when you perform more reps with light weights. The reps range from about 10 to 20 times. Because of the amount of cytoplasm, the cells are enlarged. This is in contrast to growth through more contracting elements as in the case of myofibrillar hypertrophy. We’ll explain that further below.

Essentially, sarcoplasmic hypertrophy means that more fluid is stored in the muscle cells, making them larger. Essentially, the muscle is pumped up. The advantages of sarcoplasmic hypertrophy versus the myofibrillar form are that in the former, more energy is delivered to the muscles by the cytoplasm, increasing muscle endurance. Additionally, this is a faster form of hypertrophy than the myofibrillar form. The disadvantage, however, is that you do not build extra strength, and sarcoplasmic hypertrophy disappears faster.

Myofibrillar Hypertrophy

Myofibrillar hypertrophy will lead to an increase in sarcomeres. A sarcomere is the smallest structure in your muscles that contracts. Every muscle contains enormous numbers of these tiny stretchers. The more sarcomeres in a muscle, the thicker it becomes. But also: the more sarcomeres, the more strength! Myofibrillar hypertrophy is achieved by using relatively heavy weights at low reps (5-10). The weights will not be as extremely high as in pure strength training, but still around 85% of your max.

Split Workout

A split workout, or training split, is a workout where you train specific muscle groups on one day, rather than your entire body in one day. Often, a split workout is based on muscle groups or body parts, but a split training can also be formed based on movement directions, or in a split of upper body and lower body.


Short, partial repetitions that you do at the end of a set to push the muscle beyond the point of muscle failure and create a massive burning sensation and pump.


A specific period of time spent on a particular training strategy. For example, a bodybuilder may follow a heavy cycle with heavy weights and few repetitions for a few weeks, or a cycle to get lean.


A process of alternating cycles of weight training. For example, a bodybuilder may train for strength for a period, then for mass, and then for definition.

Peak Contraction

At the peak of muscle tension, contract the muscle extra hard and hold it for a moment.

Pyramid System

Using more weight for each set and doing fewer repetitions. For example, you do 10 reps with 80, eight with 60, six with 40. You can also use a reverse pyramid system and gradually decrease weight with more repetitions.


A training plateau. You reach a plateau or dead end because you can’t lift heavier or do more reps. It can also refer to your entire training, if you’re not making visible progress anymore. You’ll need to make adjustments or possibly take a break.


Lifting a weight during a repetition.


Place more emphasis on a specific muscle group or exercise. Someone with lagging calves can make this a priority by starting the training with them or training that muscle group more often.

Giant Sets

Performing sets of four or more different exercises in a row.

Rest-Pause Training

After a set (whether or not taken to the extreme), rest briefly and then continue immediately to do more repetitions.

Compound Exercise

An exercise that targets at least two muscle groups. For example, with bench presses, you also work the front deltoids and triceps.

Cheat Reps

Performing the exercise somewhat less strictly in order to do some extra repetitions. This technique should be used only sparingly and should never compromise safety.

Muscle Failure

The point at which you are no longer able to complete a full repetition in the normal way. You can surpass this point with intensity-enhancing techniques such as forced reps or negatives.

Muscle Confusion

By constantly changing the training variables, you can prevent the muscles from becoming accustomed to a certain pattern.

Static Contraction

Tensing the muscles without moving to resist against a weight. For example, if you’ve done your last repetition of barbell curls, you can hold the barbell in the contracted position until you can’t anymore.


One of the most famous bodybuilding terms. Performing sets of two different exercises in a row without rest. Often targeting opposing muscle groups, such as biceps and triceps.


Performing sets of three different exercises in a row. Often three exercises for the same muscle group.

Fullbody Workout

A full-body workout is a training where you train your entire body in one day or training session. A full-body workout is often performed 3 times a week with one day of rest in between. Some full-body workouts are based on twice a week.


Progression is the phenomenon of making a workout more challenging by applying heavier weights, more repetitions, or heavier techniques.


The standard bodybuilding term. A rep is a repetition, or performing an exercise once. Each rep consists of two actions. The first action involves pushing, pulling, or squatting a weight and then returning to the starting position to perform another rep.


Another one of the standard bodybuilding terms. A set is a group of reps performed with limited rest between reps.


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